Last Sunday, Mike went to First Baptist Church in Sioux Falls for another exciting edition of his ‘Shut Up and Listen’ session. He gave advice on how to dress for an interview (if they even call you for one) and put his foot in his mouth so many times that I am guessing his breath smells like sweaty toes and shoe leather to this day!

By l3wis

4 thoughts on “Put on a tie & get a job! Some more infinite wisdom from our Esteemed Leader”
  1. In what will seem like a very short time these might be changed to Governor Huether’s Listening and Learning Session. Will they be a teleconferenced infomercial then or staged like a Putin Q & A?

  2. Joan, to clarify, it is perfectly OK for an elected official to speak at a church, well within his 1st Amendment Rights. There has been some court cases about it. I guess it is no different then voting at a church.

  3. Politics should stay outside from religion. It’s a fine line legally but the bible is clear. No commercial activity on church property. With Sioux Falls Home Rule charter, political and commercial are the same thing. Recruiting for jobs at a holy site is a sin. Shame on you Mike Huether.

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