City Pages tells us that they are about to get some smiling Mike Billboards;

Billboards showing Huether’s smiling face next to copy that reads, “Welcome to Sioux Falls! Thousands of jobs waiting for you” will go up soon in Minneapolis in a brazen attempt to poach our brightest minds.

I’m sure they will be effective . . . next time, why not just put my tax dollars in a burn barrel and send smoke signals instead, it would be a better way to spend my money.

By l3wis

7 thoughts on “According to hipsters in Minneapolis, Sioux Falls is a “backwater metropolis.””
  1. Doesn’t surprise me. A good amount of my more energetic, ambitious friends relocated to the Twin Cities or larger metros for university and immediately after graduation.

  2. Minnesota is democracy. Sioux Falls is oligarchy. Your friends are wise. They’ll get better higher paying jobs with mandated benefits. Yes, there’s an income tax but no tax on food or clothing and cheap transportation makes up for it. I don’t see Minnesota desperately advertising for workers. Our mayor using billboards as indirect political advertising upsets me. Because of Home Rule charter, Sioux Falls citizens lost civil rights. I’m sure the mayor thinks he’ll annex Minnesota. In reality, it could be better if they annex us and restore constitutional law.

  3. I saw something on TV this afternoon that AARP has rated Sioux Falls, as a desirable place for seniors to retire. I wondered what categories they used to come to this conclusion. I have lived here since 1997 and I am 75, and the only thing I can say about this rating is it might apply if the senior is comfortably well off, but not if you are low income.

  4. I’ve always wanted to be one of your sources! I’ll keep my eyes peeled around town for these testaments to your mayor’s awesomeness and be sure to send you a photo if I stumble across one of them.

    As for Dan’s comment, it’s nice to not pay sales tax on food or clothing. But it’s definitely not a break-even proposition. I absolutely make more here than I would doing a comparable job in Sioux Falls – but costs for comparable housing are probably 30% higher, automobile registration is probably 4-5 times higher, and then there’s state income tax. But I still come out ahead and that isn’t even getting into some of the quality of life stuff, which I understand is subjective. I miss some things about Sioux Falls but there haven’t been too many days in the last 16 months where I wished I could turn back time.

  5. Hornguy, our problem has become local corruption and civil rights. Home Rule charter has made a few political and developer whores wealthy while leaving the city deep in debt. We have lots of fast food and cubicle call cave jobs. There’s a living if you work 3 or more part time 80 hours a week but there’s no benefits. We have many indoor confinement areas called swimming, tennis, shooting, and concerts. It’s not what we want to do after working a hot grill or breathing cubicle air. Minnesota has great parks and lake areas. It costs money but it’s worth it. You have fewer homeless. Our crime rate is soaring. There’s police but they hide in parks till the end of their shift. Crimes are rarely solved. Fortunately, our citizens are passive. Except for police emptying their clips, there are few shootings. We have a lower unemployment rate than you but suicides here are double your rate. Indeed, stay where you are. Rescue us or send civil rights lawyers so we can use constitutional law to reinvent our culture and preserve democracy.

  6. Scott, you come back with some zingers. It takes me paragraphs & you say it so brief. Your touch of humor is refreshing too.

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