While the media and the city have been busy showing us pretty pictures of the project, there are still a lot of unanswered questions.

What we do know is that the project is projected to cost around $40 million, it will have 600 public parking spaces, it will have a partially public rooftop park and it will require demolition of a few buildings to construct.


-What kind of reimbursement will the city receive for the façade it paid for in 2007 for the building that is being demolished?

-How much money will taxpayers be putting towards the project? Will it be a loan, a TIF or a one-time payment (rumored number is $10 million)? Where will the money come from? Reserves? Bonds?

-If we are giving 25% towards the funding of the project, will the city actually OWN 25% of the building (for instance, the parking ramp portion)

-How will property taxes be assessed if we own a portion of the building? Or will we lease? And if we are leasing, why would we help fund the project?

-What is the real economic impact of the project? Besides the few hundred temp jobs it will provide in construction, how many permanent jobs? Or mostly low-paying hospitality part-time jobs?

Too often we find the ‘Devil is in the Details’. Remember the supposed $4 million dollar TIF Dunham requested for the COSTCO project that quickly got reduced after all the facts came out? If we move forward on this project like our fine mayor, planning department and community development departments usually do in a non-transparent manner – the taxpayers of the city may be getting the shaft at the end of the day.

I encourage the city council to study the options closely, and make sure the taxpayers of this town are not once again handing out money and tax breaks like candy to the developer welfare class of our community.


3 Thoughts on “What will the downtown Sioux Falls ‘Banks’ project cost taxpayers?

  1. WTF? on June 12, 2015 at 2:28 pm said:

    I’m starting to notice that corrupt Democrats run things the same way corrupt Republicans do.

    The only difference between Dirty Chicago Thug lawyer Denny Daugaard and My Man Mike? Two letters in the alphabet..

  2. The Daily Spin on June 12, 2015 at 3:01 pm said:

    Think like Huether. He wants to award a contract on the public parking garage so he gets consideration from developer contractors before he leaves office. A classic case of cart but no horse to pull it because the commercial development will never happen and the taxpayer gets stuck with another empty parking garage. Sure, build a garage but it can be built after it’s needed. If parking is such a problem, why did you tear down a parking garage? Why are 2 garages usually empty? Why didn’t you plan parking at the Events Center? Why is there not enough parking at the new Aquatics Center?
    If you must build something, build a mausoleum for the homeless that will freeze to death downtown this winter.

  3. The Daily Spin on June 12, 2015 at 3:12 pm said:

    Keep Huether campaigning out of town so there’s no more damage. The unethical expenses are cheap compared to potential add-on debt. Keep him busy crying in front of west river republicans so he gets the branding iron before a higher office election.

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