The mediation is almost at it’s year anniversary in which the city has 12 months to figure out a solution with Mortensen on how to fix the siding.

All we have heard so far is crickets.

Over the month of July expect several posts as we plan to dig deeper into the actual problems associated with leaving the siding as is and just who is going to take it in the shorts if it gets repaired.

By l3wis

12 thoughts on “Events Center siding fiasco almost a year in mediation”
  1. There were reports of a mysterious metal found in Brandon. At first it was believed to be from a UFO crash. Not good, aliens are uninsured. When it’s proven to be from Denny Dome, the city will settle fast and high to keep it quiet.

  2. My sources tell me that the City has agreed to leave the siding on and assess a price deduction to the contractor. If this is true, I can’t wait to see the shit storm that will ensue. I expect a heavy spin campaign from Huether, Inc. I know this blog will call him out, but it will be interesting to see how the mainstream media spins it.

  3. Wouldn’t surprise me a bit, I knew all along they would never fix it, cost to much and I’m sure Mortensen would fight the expense. Not to mention the embarrassment of tearing it off and replacing it. I will be curious when the announcement will occur. I guess there was going to be a press conference this week explaining the fiasco, but it suddenly got cancelled. Not sure if either is true? But I wouldn’t doubt the timing would interfere with the Mayor’s 4th Parade. I’m putting my money on next Friday.

  4. Is the police MRAP in the mayors parade? Is there time to paint Jesus on it? The last parade reminded me of May Day parade in Russia. Are there missile launchers this year?

  5. this year’s parade honoring mmm will be at the empty parking lot of the heether family tennis center.

  6. I’m curious if things like the cup holder fiasco, rework during construction due to scheduling conflicts, and all the other bs that happened during construction will ever come to light. Does anyone know if the construction documentation is or ever will be open for public examination?

  7. The council has asked for that documentation several times and has not been provided. They are also looking to get an audit on the construction costs, that has not been provided either.

  8. I heard over lunch that there is a proposal on the table for a solution to the siding issue and the lawyers are mulling over it.

  9. I find it hard to accept that Sioux Fall’s 4th of July Parade is called the “Mayor’s parade”. I do not consider him a founding father and am sure he never did or would even have had the guts to participate in the Revolutionary War.

    This parade belongs to the citizens of freedom, DEFINITELY NOT MMM!

  10. The 4th of July Parade and Picnic began during Dave Munson’s term as Mayor.

    During the time he was in office, I don’t think it was ever called the MAYOR’S 4th of July Parade and Picnic.


    The only ACCEPTABLE resolution FOR TAXPAYERS to the

    The Mayor and His Team allowed the contractor to continue installing the siding even when it was clear after the first few rows were on that there was a big problem. (Do you really think any one of them would have accepted this kind of workmanship on their personal homes!!!??)

    So, City Council, if the Mayor and His Team can’t handle this situation for the taxpayers/voters, you were elected to represent all citizens of this community…

    it’s time for all of you to step up to the plate as taxpayers are faced with a multi-million dollar payment for the next 20+ years!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. What is the yearly payment on the EC? 9 or 10 million a year? That’s easily a big street project like this year’s Cliff Avenue project, last year’s 41st Street project, or the famously delayed 12th Street Bridge project that can’t be built EVERY YEAR for the next 20 years. If you look at the CIP, there’s no way we have enough money to build all of the street projects shown.

  12. This summer started with work being done on Bahnson Avenue, which is my main drag a half block from my home. A few days were spent working on curb and gutters from Harvey Dunn to 49th street. 41st to 49th (give or take) was repaved, and when I left town on Monday there was a sign saying work on the street would continue on my section. When I came back Friday night, the sign had been changed saying the street work had been “postponed”. Any idea why this is? Does one of MMM’s pet projects need a bit more cash?

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