
Longtime Argus Leader Media employee Jay Kirschenmann called it quits on Friday to pursue a business with his wife in Branson, MO.

I have probably known Jay longer then any other Argus employee besides his Lalleyness.

I first met Jay when he was the Arts & Entertainment writer for the Argus. Jay and I have participated in art shows together (Sioux Falls Cartoonists) and Jay even played his guitar at one of my art openings.

I can’t say our aquaintance has always been easy (I can say that about most Argus reporters) but we have endured and shared many great conversations about the art scene in Sioux Falls, in which he has ALWAYS been a fervent supporter.

I will give credit to Jay for one thing, he is leaving his job on a ‘High Note’ and that’s a good thing.

He will be missed.

4 Thoughts on “Good bye to Jay Kirschenmann

  1. The Daily Spin on July 25, 2015 at 12:15 pm said:

    The Ozarks are beautiful. I envy him.

  2. hornguy on July 27, 2015 at 10:41 am said:

    Jay’s a good egg. Sioux Falls was lucky to have him. Writing about the arts in a smaller community is always tricky, especially in the Midwest where many individuals are, for lack of better word, culturally resistant to the stuff. You have to know when to wear the critic hat and when to wear the advocate hat, because in the end what a lot of arts organizations need is exposure. In my five years in town I always thought Jay did a good job of finding that balance, journalism with a touch of cheerleading.

  3. Blasphemo on July 27, 2015 at 11:05 am said:

    Congrats & every good wish for your future, Jay. I always enjoyed your Argus Leader Entertainment Features. You were a friendly and welcoming representative of the Argus on the occasion I had to meet you there. Our paper was fortunate to have such a loyal, gracious and conscientious member of the Editorial Staff.

  4. scott on July 27, 2015 at 8:23 pm said:

    good luck to him. the argus made a mistake (like usual) when they switched him over to doing video stories. i have time to read a story, but i’m not going to have time to watch news story. that’s what the tv is for. hopefully that fad will pass, and newspapers will actually get back to writing again.

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