
Below is the final page of the written comments by Greg N. that he ran out of time for during our ‘TIMED’ public testimony (see the entire comments here: GregInput8-11-2015 )

Summary, Questions, and Concerns

This is NOT about this particular application, it’s about the PROCESS

In my opinion this hearing in no way fulfilled substantive due process

How are citizens going to have a voice if staff misrepresents the clear language of the code?

I am not a lawyer, but I can read, and the code is CLEAR and UNAMBIGUOUS

What is the point of a conditional use permit hearing if the governing body is told they cannot deny it and they are severely restricted in what they can consider and condition – both of which are found nowhere in the code!

Staff commentary is a personal opinion, directly contradicts the code, and is not appropriate for consideration

Due Process ONLY exists if citizens have a SUBSTANTIVE opportunity for input and a FAIR hearing

How can a hearing satisfy due process when staff, who guides the governing body, misrepresents the powers and duties of the commission?

If staff wants to force the Planning Commission (and City Council) to grant every conditional use permit, they should bring the ordinance forward

Similarly, if staff wants to force the PC and CC to restrict its considerations and conditions to a list of specific items for a use, bring the ordinance forward

All citizens should be very concerned if this is the direction staff is giving to the Planning Commission

Under these arbitrary rules, the deck is stacked, and the conditional use permit hearing essentially serves no purpose

5 Thoughts on “Sioux Falls City Council Public input, 8/11/2015

  1. The D@ily Spin on August 13, 2015 at 2:31 pm said:

    With Home Rule Charter, strong mayor has all the authority. Doesn’t matter about language. Citizens have no voice and are denied due process. The council is a bluff so citizens feel represented. The best and only solution is returning to democracy by electing a mayor who repeals Home Rule in favor of a mayor and council checks and balances charter.

  2. The D@ily Spin on August 13, 2015 at 2:41 pm said:

    The mayor denied a councilor asking Sierra Broussard a question. The city has a crime problem. The council is interested. The mayor silences real problems. All he’ll hear is his praise.

  3. Saw this for the first time tonight. I, too, am thoroughly disappointed and disgusted with city personnel, city administration, and city council. Can’t believe that this video has only gotten one comment.

  4. The D@ily Spin on August 14, 2015 at 9:38 am said:

    Welcome Sammy. It’s hard to get the word out or perhaps Sioux Falls doesn’t care. City government is unbelievably unconstitutional and corrupt.

  5. anonymous on August 16, 2015 at 9:31 pm said:

    Who is Sierra Broussard and what is her input about?

    She seemed somewhat unbalanced….I bet Carnegie’s (undercover) cop was sitting on the edge of his seat….

    This set-up where a sitting City Councilor cannot interact with a citizen during public input NEEDS TO BE CHANGED.

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