3 Thoughts on “Rainbow of Dots, SF City Council Public Input, August 18, 2015

  1. The D@ily Spin on August 19, 2015 at 10:57 am said:

    The next time strong mayor rushes something ridiculous, how about a filibuster? Line up 50 or so for public comment. 5 minutes each, that’s 4 hours. Ok, they’ll set public comment for last but there will be media coverage such that citizens will check to see if they’re a green dot.

  2. “Green dot” drinking game??!!

  3. Cameraman Bruce on August 19, 2015 at 6:21 pm said:

    Public Input at the Sioux Falls City Council started off like a thud of an empty oil can hitting the floor. Bruce Danielson started it off with a comment from Stu Whitney’s Tuesday Argus Leader 100 Eyes video show. The Denny’s manager Terry Torkildson had a chance to poke fun at the people questioning the EC siding. To Larry, those who question the siding are people starved for attention. Well Larry, we are eager for the siding to be fixed and for MJ Dalsin to be paid. What’s wrong with making the building right? If Larry is having a problem with us asking for a correct resolution, he should go look at the videos we have posted. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list

    We watched the Council vote for Billion’s Million $ Vacation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vy9MA… last week and it left many scratching their heads over the decision. Bruce made sure he thanked the Mayor for getting an answer from the property owner even if it did take 2 1/2 minutes of drama.

    Shape Sioux Falls 2035 is a comprehensive planning guide for future area development. The plan is supposed to give the citizens, city and developers a look into the future so Big Box stores do not end up in your front yard or a billboard in your home’s driveway. There is a lot more to it but you need to study it.

    One of the interesting side stories to the Billion street vacation is the GREEN DOT over 41st and Minnesota Ave. What is the GREEN DOT and why do we care? The Shape Sioux Falls 2035 Plan put 4 of these dots on the map of Sioux Falls to show where Sub-Regional commercial developments can be. Bruce pointed out there is no GREEN DOT on the maps provided last week. Where did Mike Cooper come up with the authority to have a GREEN DOT on the map shown? How could the neighbors know their neighborhood was going to be ripped up if they were never told about the GREEN DOT and it’s meaning?

    The City and the Council are making decisions about your neighborhoods without understanding the process. It appears there is a mystical magical knower of all things hiding behind a curtain, making decisions and we should not question or challenge. Look at the zoning color charts provided by the Zoning and Planning offices to see if you can follow the magic.

    BTW, Bob Kolbe gave us a list of mostly unknown honorary South Dakota road names lost forever to all but historians. He also reminded of George Orwell’s Animal Farm lesson: all animals are equal but some are more equal than others. Kind of fitting for Sioux Falls, isn’t it?

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