
Cameraman Bruce was busy during the past week trying to put the HandiCam in the right places and it opened up more questions as usual. So our cameraman went up to the City Council Public input to ask some more questions. Actually why don’t more media persons go up there and ask questions? Hmmmm….

SIRE is always on the top of Bruce’s list. As users of SIRE have been finding out, it does not work. Got that? We have been promised so many things and still months after the server broke somewhere in SIREland without a backup, we’re still dead in the water. After the month long effort to stop us from downloading the video for our reports, they finally broke SIRE. Now they can’t fix it, even a little bit because someone forgot to save a backup of the original working software code. If the administration had not been pressuring staff to block our efforts they could have been doing backups? Call us crazy….

Our chief marketing office sent out a press release based on a Forbes magazine piece letting all of know Sioux Falls was a wasteland before April 2010. We in Sioux Falls are being ruled by a strongman CEO, kind of like 1920’s Italy. It reminded him to tell all in attendance, Mussolini also made the trains run on time but what good came of it.

Q: What’s the structure of the Sioux Falls government?

Huether: We have a “strong mayor” form of government. I am basically the C.E.O. or the president of a large company, and that company is the City of Sioux Falls. We have roughly 1,200 city employees and 12 department heads, and a substantial budget. We’re responsible of running the day-to-day activities of a city with 170,000 people, and a metropolitan area with about 250,000.

The City Council operates under a Home Rule Charter and needs to define its place in city government. The Council is the legislative and policy making body of the city of Sioux Falls. The administration is allowed to do what the Charter and the Council will let it do. Sioux Falls became a strong mayor form of government when the Council let mayors roll over them without a fight.

The Sioux Falls city government and Council are under a gag order issued by Fiddle Faddle. The administration wishes it could be permanent? So let’s discuss the reason why. The siding on the EC. The public is being locked out and MJ Dalsin are being locked in a settlement agreement no one will ever see. The agreement does what? Protect the not so innocent? It appears we will never know who is at fault, how much it cost now, who will pay to fix the mess later and MJ Dalsin is being made the scapegoat? The City Attorney’s huff and puff and bluff session from last Wednesday just proves it. We have been waiting for the paperwork to be filed so we can see what grounds the fight is over. It reminds us of the 3 Little Pigs fairy tale but in this case. it’s the rusty EC being blown down.

Sunday’s Argus Leader Events Center editorial http://www.argusleader.com/story/opin… opened up a great deal of room for discussion about the city’s chief marketing officer and the way the city is run. Thank you Argus Leader editorial board. Now let’s have the discussion.

By l3wis

2 thoughts on “EC Siding with Mussolini & Rails Sioux Falls city council public input 9/8/15”
  1. What happened to democracy? The council is meant as checks and balances. The mayor and city attorney gag them. Why and how? Soon, the mayor will hold meetings with cardboard cutouts glued to seat backs. Public comment is the only representation and free speech. Then, SIRE turns it off.

  2. There’s more than enough grounds for mayor recall. It used to be set forth by city ordinance but the city attorney removed it. Is Sioux Falls democracy? It’s not a legal question, it’s obvious it isn’t?

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