I wondered how long it would take Brian to stumble across Theresa’s top secret files;

With the first board meeting of the school year, Sioux Falls’ Superintendent Brian Maher is hitting the ground running. One of the first things he’d like to get approved is a pay increase for substitute teachers.

“We want somebody more than just a warm body in there. And I think pay, or how you value a position, always is related to the quality that you have in front of the classroom,” Maher said.

The district usually likes to have at least 400 to 450 substitutes on hand throughout the year. Currently there are 200 on staff. Maher says going from $100 a day to $110 a day will hopefully make an impact in the substitute teacher pool.

“When you’re behind your neighbors in terms of pay, it’s going to be even a bigger challenge. What we’re trying to do is at least remedy that part of the equation,” Maher said.

WOW! What a change. Just a few years ago Theresa fought for this change, at one point being threatened by the SFPD as to where she could distribute fliers. Today, our new super is proposing the change based on common sense.

By l3wis

2 thoughts on “The New SF Super of Schools must have found the ‘Stehly’ files”
  1. There’s hope. Also, proof of how incompetant Homan was. It’s disgusting how poorly teachers are compensated in South Dakota. When your kids grow up stuck at minimum wage, you’ll wish you’d paid attention.

  2. The Argus says substitute teachers will get that $10 a day……….oh boy, 10 whole dollars. Don’t spend it all in one place.

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