
Scott puts all other digital artists to shame. Scott uses a combination of vector and raster software to produce his pieces. Many of the photographic images are digital photos he has taken himself or scans. In reality Scott’s work is a combination of photography / draftmanship / colorization. A lot of the drawings you see in the images were done with a mouse or a Wacom tablet. No clicky-click for Scott. When he had his last exhibit he explained that some of his images contain over 90 layers (do that with a lite-table and onion skin paper, no thanks). Scott works as a font geek and Apple scripter and does his digital art in his free time. He also is a talented graphic designer, writer and comic book collector.

I have a small print of the dragster image and a very large piece of his from his Washington Pavilion exhibit on my TV room ceiling (wasn’t enough wall space to hang it).


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