
What difference does a name make? Well at the Sioux Falls City Council meeting on October 19, 2015 we got to see a do over. As in do over another city hall screw-up, again.

We got to the see the city Council being used by the administration as the stain removal department again.

Our intrepid mayor rushes through so many things without any proofing Council meetings get longer because of the fixes needing votes. Well again, most of the time. Cameraman Bruce decided to remind the Council of the sloppiness of the mayor’s work.

In a July meeting the Powder House Road was renamed by resolution to something else. OK, why care about it? It was rushed through the process so fast no one could check the facts for any cracks. We just want to have an administration able to have the time to care about facts.

This reminded Cameraman Bruce of the March 2015 North Phillips Ave vote illegally corrected with White Out correction fluid after the mistake was brought up in the railroad yard contact vote a few months ago.

Once again we have a city attorney’s office only caring about details when it is convenient for them and loopholes when they can destroy us. Guess it’s nice work if you can get it.

5 Thoughts on “What difference does it make? (10/19/2015)

  1. It’s almost as sloppy as the grammar on this blog.

  2. Yeah, still waiting to get fired for my piss poor writing 🙂

  3. Lets see replay from last year.Wow this city council sure is sharp,.

  4. The D@ily Spin on October 21, 2015 at 8:53 am said:

    No secret, Huether’s government makes things up as they go along. I can’t tell if mayor & city attorney high fives are a win or they can’t believe we’re buying the lies.

  5. Enough of shape places and mmm legacy on October 21, 2015 at 11:48 am said:

    Just like the game playing they did for mmm and rmb at western & 85th. Wait til a sale of adjoining property occurred to stop the homeowners from winning their rezone. Terrible people on the council same a clowns who ruined twin eagles with the worst neighbor in the world. Now they worry about a name and stupid Cell phone usage Please vote these idiots out.

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