One Thought on “Cell Phone Ban Public Input, Oct 19, 2015

  1. Gee whiz let’s overreach again, you know, well just because….

    Instead of teaching driver’s ed, let’s just hand driver’s licenses to every 14 year old and had have them practice in traffic. Let’s teach them to multi task. You know like putting on make-up while holding a Slurpee and driving with the left knee. Or how about shaving while driving and having your morning coffee on the way to work. Then there is the reaching down to grab the donuts. Then again turning around to yell at the kids in the backseat for disrupting your brain fart. Nope we have to single out cellphones as the only reason someone is distracted while driving.

    In this video the only public Sioux Falls City Council cell phone ban discussion was when Scott Ehrisman talked about the stupidity of the proposal during Public Input. With all the zoning discussions out of the way, the Council was not in the mood to listen to Michelle Erpenbach get all preachy and teachy on October 19, 2015.

    The schoolmarm tries to learn the Council for what purpose?

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