The voice of reason in the crowd on Friday was Annette Bosworth. Want to stop people from using their phones while driving? EDUCATION!

Then there is a lot of confusion of what a city council is supposed to be doing. Approving malt beverage licenses, approving infrastructure funding, etc. They are not the state legislature, they are NOT required to make rules when it comes to road rules.  Maybe one of the reasons why the city council voted this down is because the last time they made up a road rule (texting ban) the state legislature threatened to yank our home rule charter.

And while Friday’s session was a ‘bash city council’ affair the bigger issue is how little this crowd knows about city government.


The nanny state is on it’s way to control you more. Time to put away your cellphones. Why? Well just because. Rich Lauer was spreading the word at Democratic Forum meeting Friday noon on October 23, 2015.

When Annette Bosworth is there speaking with more reasoned clarity then the presenter and audience you know there is a lot of misinformation going around.

We kind of understand why he was there but Michelle Erpenbach’s proposal was defeated at City Council on Monday. So in this video listen to all the crying over spilled milk and wishful thinking going on.

This is a state law issue. Oh and by the way, the excellent video shown at the beginning of the program concerned an idiot who decided to do his on-line banking while driving down a narrow two lane country road. We have a crazy little thing called a texting ban and another called distracted driving for what he did. He was not talking on his cellphone he was paying a bill. The one he is paying now is for the rest of his life for being stupid. Diver’s education would have been cheaper for everyone.

If using your cellphone is a problem than I guess we should ban unruly kids from being in cars. How about banning kids under 18 from driving? How about no talking while in the car? How about no Egg McMuffins?

There are way to many things to distract while driving, quit worrying about the things you do not understand and drive.

By the way, the audience and speaker need to go to more City Council meetings to learn how it operates. We were surprised by their lack of Council process knowledge.

4 Thoughts on “Cell Phone Ban, Democratic Forum 10/23/15

  1. Defeat Huether in 2018! on October 25, 2015 at 8:07 am said:

    Education will only go so far. It’s shocking the amount of drivers that are looking down and texting wandering in and out of their lane and greatly reducing their reaction time in case something happens that could them and others in danger. The drivers either disregard it feeling they have superior driving skills or a control and denial issue.

    The fines for distracted and texting while driving need to be increased substantially.

  2. I would agree. As Sheriff Milstead pointed out, police have the authority to write ‘careless driving’ tickets when they see this kind of behavior. I say ‘have at it’.

  3. Winston on October 25, 2015 at 9:08 pm said:

    I remember as a kid wondering why there were not TVs in all the cars. My parents told me at the time that was illegal especially for the front seat, because it would be too distracting.

    Okay, then at what point did we lose that value or common sense, and why?

    Personally, I think it should be illegal for a driver to use a phone, absent an emergency, while driving their vehicle, but if you brought it to a vote, I think the idea would lose overwhelming…. But it would be a “smart” way to get young people to register to vote and vote, however….

  4. Jeff Barth on October 25, 2015 at 9:28 pm said:

    There is always a reason to pull you over. The question becomes who is pulled over?

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