
Our intrepid mayor of Sioux Falls seems to think the US Constitution, Charter and written laws are brick walls to overcome. Listen to him discuss his quest to make over the city into his image at the Neighborhood Summit on November 14, 2015. His “to hell with the laws, Council and citizens” must be overcome if we are to have a clean and safe city for all.

The brick walls he is upset with are based on rights guaranteed by our U.S. Constitution, South Dakota Constitution and the Sioux Falls Home Rule Charter. Why does no one challenge hizzoner when he defends his administration’s lawbreaking actions?

In this Summit part 1 Mayor Mike let’s us in on his lawless vision of government by and for the specials at the expense of the rest of us.

Since the city of Sioux Falls heavily edits or blocks meetings videos we now offering a direct link to our collected city videos through www.siouxfall.org.

So we ask “Neighbors are only good if they conform to his vision?”

One Thought on “Mayor’s Neighborhood Brickwalls Summit, 11/14/2015

  1. The D@ily Spin on November 15, 2015 at 7:51 pm said:

    I tuned in but tuned out. How long can someone listen to Huether propaganda?

    There’s code enforcement but it’s designed to collect unsubstsntiated fines (revenue) without appeals. Ordinances are vague. Take a look at what you’re being cited for. You get an ordinance number that pertains to parking but you are told to cut your grass or it’s $100 per day. They don’t pursue the citation but send you another (double jeooardy). It’s proven that Huether picks on his critics. There’s no infraction but he’s strong mayor and he’ll make one up.

    It’s amazing how he sees neighborhoods. Every area in town was something to be proud of before he became Caesar. I see crime, trash, & crack houses in the older parts of town. There are many infractions in newer neighborhoods because the city gave up the power to prosecute in court. Yes, there were 3 neighborhood organizations before and there are 20+ now. It’s because they’re defending from unrestricted blight caused from Shape Places BS. They’re defensive, not reactionary.

    Huether should make trips around town other than direct from city hall to his plush lake home acreage with a sandy beach on his own private lake. I suggest a security convoy or the Sanford helicopter. Average (not brainwashed) citizens got this carpet bagger figured out and many neighborhoods are not safe.

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