
Only in South Dakota we would be worried about this, or more importantly who is watching us urinate. This isn’t about modesty, this is about bigotry.

We like to make things sexual and we like to make things about people’s genitalia and about people’s bodies.  As far as the man in a dress theory or boy in a dress theory that’s inaccurate,” Heathscott said.

When the legislative session ends each year, we sit around and scratch our heads and ask why we are dead last in education, wages and other matters socially important to progress.

By l3wis

4 thoughts on “Write your own caption – toilet legislation”
  1. I am not totally sure where I got this idea, but perhaps the Governor could establish a blue ribbon panel to study this issue and then get back to us in six months to a year from now after this panel has investigated and identified the already obvious issues at hand over this matter…..That way the legislature could get on to more important issues like teachers’ pay, which most now acknowledge needs to be addressed and for some unknown reason in this state many have only recently recognized it to be an issue.

  2. Today is a great day. I didn’t wake up with anyone and (especially) didn’t wake up to he/she. Public bathrooms must always be men, women, and family. Family must always be single stall meant for those who are not sure. Perhaps there should be a fourth for diaper changes so your kid doesn’t catch something.

  3. You have to remember that most of the men’s rooms in smalltown South Dakota only had a cattle trough as a fixture-pissoir, and most still do. The communal pisspot is an entirely normal institution to gentlemen like Otten. Probably the same thing goes for the rest of the paladins in the ol’ statehouse.

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