Ever since the Paladino Hohm Sculpture Garden opened, we were told it would be supported mostly by private donations. So what is this?

The City of Sioux Falls, SD, requests formal bids for Washington Pavilion of Arts and Science Paladino Hohm Sculpture Garden.

Fast forward to the approval of contracts, and you will see the city is doling out $379,710. Mind you, this isn’t building an indoor structure, this is almost $400K for grass and landscaping. Another great use of the CIP money . . . NOT.

Still waiting for the ‘Arc of Dreams’ to come ask for their city handout.


By l3wis

5 thoughts on “I guess the private donations to finish the Pavilion’s sculpture garden are coming from SF taxpayers”
  1. Who is the connected landscaper?
    Lotta SH greenstamps being wasted.
    Half million added to the pile in one fell swoop.
    Mercy on Sfallsians world of hurt out of control


  2. When real debt gets reported, the Bazillion should be sold. Why put any more money into this mistake. I know, somebody gets a kickback they can’t get funding paratransit.

  3. I think sometimes what happens is that the person(s) with the “vision” to start these things either passes away after getting things started and doesn’t leave enough money in their will for their passion or doesn’t generate enough memorial money; or. they lose interest, get distracted and go on to their next passionate vision.

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