By l3wis

  1. I miss Reagan. He proved to be great fodder for political cartoons during my heydey as a college student in Montana. However, I’m not inclined to be critical of him advertising cigarettes back in the 50’s, when most smokers weren’t alerted to the dangers of smoking or chewing tobacco. My Grandma Kroger died after suffering a heart attack and strokes associated to smoking. My Uncle Merlin Kroger died from heart disease associated with smoking. He was only 49 when he passed away. I smoked cigarettes from 1988 to 1995. I quit cold turkey because I would not pay more than a dollar for a pack of cigarettes. I started smoking by sporadically enjoying a Swisher Sweet or a cheap cigar when I was a student at Black Hills State and at the University of Montana. I hope people will be encouraged to quit smoking due to the information now available to the public about the hazards of tobacco consumption.

  2. Good to read you quit Tim. It’s a nasty habit. We have dear friends that are fun to get together with, but their habit is so smelly that we have to air our coats and shower after spending an evening with them. I used to engage in the unhealthy act of stupidy too.

    During HS daze, Bill Janklow’s niece offered me cigarettes when we’d drag Main once or twice after CCD (Catholic catechism) on Weds. nights. Then it got to be one before CCD, on after. Then it got to be skipping CCD all together and just dragging main and dragging on cancer sticks.

    Grew apart in friendship with her, stopped smoking, and am now a “recovering Catholic” as well. I suppose food, caffeine, and blogs are my vices of choice now. 😉

  3. I didn’t want to get into a big discussion about the leacherous tobacco companies, I just wanted to know who the heck gives cigarette cartons as a Christmas gift? “Yeah, did all my shopping at Get & Go this year. Mom got a bag of Fritos, dad got a chedderwurst, uncle Jimmy got a 12 of Old Mil . . .”

  4. It’s a Jeff Foxworthy Redneck Christmas! Wrapped up in brown paper wrapping, just like Uncle Jimmy Ray Bob’s porn. 😉 It does seem only fitting that Bonzo’s costar has an advert out there these years later.

    I thought it was a bit odd, Britain had an “official” or endorsed cigarette that they served at their functions … at least up used to up to the early 90’s. I glanced at a pack and one brand advertised they were the Royal blend or brand.

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