
I was told last night that the city council had the votes to kill the proposed city administration building. Joe Snevashamrockness confirms it tonight;

Councilors Karsky, Rex Rolfing, Christine Erickson, Kermit Staggers and Greg Jamison said in interviews this week they won’t support the project — at least not until the city has a chance to look into partnering with county government on a shared building. They plan to postpone or reject a bonding proposal next month.

(I have personally heard that Erpenbach is also opposed, while Kiley and Anderson are still on board).

As council candidate, Greg Neitzert recently said at a candidate forum when it comes to reigning in the mayor, “sometimes you have to say NO!”

Looks like they are learning, too bad it took a few of them to the end of their terms to learn the word.

2 Thoughts on “The last nail in the coffin confirmed

  1. The D@ily Spin on March 18, 2016 at 1:45 pm said:

    Thank you council! Agreed, there needs to be more space for city offices. However, sell off the unused real estate and unprofitable Pavilion. At least get out of the railroad and hotels business.
    You (not I) voted for Huether to bring a business perspective into government. A real executive answers to a board of directors (the council) and the stockholders (citizens) while keeping the corporation solvent. You got a crook who sold us all down the turdy Sioux River. Money meant for infrastructure has made developers and the mayor rich from sport kickback projects (Denny Dome, VA Fish Bowl, Tennis). Check your water (ie. Flint MI) and hide from civil rights abuse (ie. Ferguson MO). We’ll recover once we get federal intervention and a new mayor.

  2. anominous on March 19, 2016 at 2:16 am said:

    Just needs a corporate sponsor to pay $20M for the naming rights and then the council should reconsider it.

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