“For the ethically challenged, people with integrity are their most dangerous enemy. If you can’t be bought off or bullied into submission, they have to destroy you.” 

I have been watching behind the scenes since the election, and oh boy, if a blogger could blog about everything.

My friend nailed it above. They worry about me a lot. I appreciate it.

I knew this election would be different, and I knew their would be a lot of butt hurt.

What’s that old saying, ‘No pain, no gain.’

By l3wis

5 thoughts on “Quote of the day”
  1. This election was a big surprise. Money couldn’t get the corrupt interests elected. They outspent 5 times or better. Tells me that people see what’s happened and want their city back. It’s true tho, you’ll be destroyed before you win ethically. What big money has yet to realize is public money is drying up. Is it worth their effort for a meager return?

  2. Typical. Narcissists are constantly in fear of being exposed. It’s a lot of work trying to arrange things to control and manipulate people so they (The Narcissists)themselves won’t be afraid. It’s so much easier to drop the control, do what’s right and be humble. A seemingly impossible task of someone with a hidden inferiority complex. Sometimes ya just gotta sit back and watch the show.

  3. A few years ago the quote would have made me think of a certain elected official only. Now his behavior has forced a few city employees to show their true colors.

    What happens to them when he’s gone? Do they get to go back to their jobs like they did nothing wrong? Lying to the council. Lying to the public. No ethics, no integrity. There should be consequences.

  4. Once you leave at the city you get a career at Sanford where you don’t have to show up and nobody misses or remembers you.

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