I missed the scene where they were parking in the Avera Emergency Room parking lot to get their free meals.


I guess it’s OK to point the gun at the cameraman, especially if his name is ‘Bruce’.


13 Thoughts on “They must have used the low-def, Tuthill Park dashcam to film this

  1. Holy Crap Batman is this disgusting. To be filming a building “sweep” and have a gun pointed right at the cameraman? OMG, did they verify the gun was not loaded? I would never allow a gun, loaded or not to be pointed at me. Watch this video and see how they are convincing the lowest hanging fruit or just plan fruitcakes to be a police officer. Think about the emotionally challenged people who will watch this video and say to themselves “Gee, I could be a police officer and get even with the world.” This just pisses me off. Why shouldn’t we have a recruiting video showing how the police could be helpful to the neighborhoods or finding lost puppies or lost children or being there for a disaster or other positive images? This is disgusting..

  2. annonymous on May 16, 2016 at 10:36 am said:

    Ok, let’s be real here, the officer clearly lowered his weapon as the cameraman moved in front of him. Whoever was running the camera should have stayed out of his way, but even when he or she did act the fool, the officer recovered and lowered his weapon. So let’s all chill.

  3. Pitchforks on May 16, 2016 at 12:22 pm said:

    Let’s grab our pitchforks and torches and march down to the public input next council meeting. We need to demand justice for the innocent cameraman. Let’s get Bruce, Stanga, Sierra, and David on board. Camerman harassment must stop even if they wear bright red shirts.

  4. south da dumbass on May 16, 2016 at 12:55 pm said:

    That video is something like 10 years old. I dont think the had High Def back then. You guys are idiots.

  5. l3wis on May 16, 2016 at 1:16 pm said:

    I thought the video looked a little older, but it was just posted to the city’s YOUTUBE channel three days ago.


    So most would assume it was new. So if it was old, why post it now? Also, high def on smaller cams have lasted for probably almost 20 years.

  6. south da dumbass on May 16, 2016 at 2:19 pm said:

    maybe they are recruiting because they are hiring. This is a recruitment video. Hey Bruce if you loose your puppy I am sure they would help you out. They would also be willing to help you if some thug beoke into your house to rob you too. like I said before….you guys are idiots. All you do is bitch about the city leadership, the various departments the manage the city, and the emergency responders who work for the city. You dont do anything to step up and help out the citizens of this city.

  7. l3wis on May 16, 2016 at 2:54 pm said:

    By holding elected officials and public employees accountable helps the citizenry. I suppose we could just turn a blind eye, but how does that help anyone?

  8. south da dumbass on May 16, 2016 at 9:33 pm said:

    Your right Scott……even King Arthur kept a court jester around to keep the masses entertained……..

  9. I support blue! on May 17, 2016 at 7:43 am said:

    And now you know why the two of you know why you are considered bloggers and not real journalists. You rush and jump to conclusions without checking your bias at the door. If it has to do with the police or city government it wouldn’t matter if they kissed your butts you would still say they didn’t use enough finesse while doing it. During a recruiting video you want people to be excited about the job. The items in the video ar designed to attract people to the fun stuff in law enforcement. Dealing with dead bodies, fatality crashes, being called derogatory names, dealing with domestic violence and the myriad of other nasty things they deal with isn’t going to get people to set foot in the door. Most would turn the video off. But of course you two beatniks would probably like that. Since it is Police Week and you chose to belittle them, I will do the opposite. Thank you to men and women in law enforcement who face many untold dangers everyday! Thank you to the families who have sacrificed because your loved one was taken too soon! Keep up the great work! As for Scott and the rest of your many followers who like to complain about the cops, give it a rest! Try walking the other side of the fence. Negative complaints here /

  10. l3wis on May 17, 2016 at 10:04 am said:

    If I have ever been critical of the police force, it has been with management and superiors and that goes straight to the big boss himself, Huether. The Tuthill shooting incident was a cover up that suddenly has become ‘inactive’ that was the decision of Captain Burns not the officer involved. Same with the free meals at Avera, that could easily come to an end with a call from the Mayor’s office to the office of the CEO of Avera. Fitness requirements and criminal justice knowledge is also the job of the HR department to enforce these things. I think our individual officers do a good job with what they have to work with, it’s management that needs to get their heads examined.

  11. I never once said I don’t support the beat cop. The problems we continue to find stem from the stupid decisions and cover-ups the administration operates under.

    There is no reason to encourage people to join the police force by making the use of weapons as acceptable in real life as video game players revel in blowing away computerized cartoon characters.

    The US Army subsidizes the creation of violent video games to make it easier for our modern soldiers to blow away villages 7000 miles from Grand Forks control rooms. By making videos and games so exciting our gamer “pilots” forget they are actually blowing away innocents.

    This video gives a very bad message about the actual job of today’s police forces. If this is the actual plan for police forces then we are really doing a crappy job of managing our society.

    Videos showing out of shape police officers blowing away minorities, women and the least among us is not an image to recruit with.

  12. i12doit on May 18, 2016 at 9:17 am said:

    Bruce, obviously there are those who don’t like you guys pointing (No Pun Intended) things out that mainstream media won’t. I personally feel you guys do a service to the city and are legitimate media. The old adage/quote, “Freedom of the press belong to those that have one” comes to mind here.
    It would be a sad place if there were no First Amendment and there are those that do not want one unless it comes to saving their own collective asses. Dictator’s and corrupt official’s despise transparency that may expose their lust for power and greed or any other type of abuse or dysfunction. Even though a citizen or member of the press decides to make a joke or put their take on things and throw it out for people to look at, they don’t force people to believe it. However, when people in positions of public power withhold facts from the public, they lie by omission thereby forcing beliefs or assumptions on their constituents and this doesn’t appear ethical. They are being paid by tax dollars of the community and generally have taken an oath.
    I am ignorant, I admit, but just what are the city rules or guidelines that they impose on other’s as to what they will or will not accept as media? Where can this be found and is it even legal if there is such a thing? Can someone answer this?
    It seems as though some City Administration’s have a hard time differentiating the boundary of where they stop and where the public begins. Likewise the counter could be said, where does the public end and where does the Administration begin? But since the Administration’s are taxpayer funded entities to serve, I don’t understand in light of the First Amendment how the counter point could be construed as having any merit. The Administration’s are accountable to the public and should be. The First Amendment and those who decide to use it are not accountable to the Administrations when using free speech or press. Those who swear to serve and protect and then implement role reversal where the citizen’s are to serve them instead of them serving the citizen’s, in my personal opinion are nothing more than modern day political Pharisee’s and are the real wolves in sheep’s clothing (for lack of a better term) of the political realm. Keep on truckin’ SouthDacola.com and remember, if you aren’t controversial, you aren’t doing anything.

  13. Craig Peters on May 19, 2016 at 7:57 pm said:

    ” Why shouldn’t we have a recruiting video showing how the police could be helpful to the neighborhoods or finding lost puppies or lost children or being there for a disaster or other positive images? This is disgusting…”

    Weird. You must have missed the part of the video where the school cops are greeting the kids at school, or the officers are doing Shop with a Cop where they take less fortunate children out to buy things at local stores that sponsor the event annually around the holidays. Yes. Just disgusting….

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