
For Immediate Release


Release Date:  May 17, 2016

Contact:  Greg Neitzert (pronounced Nite-Cert)

Phone:  605-929-9118 





City Councilor-Elect Greg Neitzert Reiterates His Priorities on Installation Day


“On the day I officially will be sworn in to represent the Northwest District of Sioux Falls, I felt it was important to reiterate and restate my main priorities as a City Councilor” says Greg Neitzert.  “These priorities were shaped by what I heard from the hundreds of citizens I met going door to door over the last several months.”


Greg Neitzert’s Main Priorities: Repair and Rebuild Roads, Explore Alternatives to the Current Administration Building Proposal, Fiscally Conservative Leadership, Affordable Housing, Quality of Life Everyone Can Afford, Transparency, and Zoning to Protect Neighborhoods


  1. Repairing and Rebuilding our roads is a top priority.  “I saw firsthand the condition of many of our local roads as I walked the neighborhoods of the Northwest district.  We need to accelerate the reconstruction of our neighborhood roads,” says Greg Neitzert.


  1. “We need to explore alternatives to the current administration building proposal.  We need to protect the taxpayer dollar and prioritize our precious second penny sales tax funds,” says Greg Neitzert.


  1. I will bring fiscally conservative leadership to the city council,” says Greg Neitzert.  “That means keeping our debt in check, as well as holding the line on user fees and taxes.  Our citizens, particularly those on fixed incomes, have been pinched over the last several years.”


  1. “We need to do what we can to address our shortage of affordable housing in Sioux Falls,” says Greg Neitzert.  “While many of the factors are market-based and out of the control of city government, there are factors we can control as a city.  We need to remember that every time we raise user fees and taxes, we make the problem worse.”


  1. “As a city, we need to provide a quality of life everyone can afford,” says Greg Neitzert.  “Our city has a river greenway and bike trail system that is the envy of other cities throughout the nation.  We need to expand the bike trail and protect and enhance our river greenway.  We need to add more parks and outdoor pools in the outer areas of the city, including the Northwest district.”


  1. “Transparency in government builds trust with the public, there is nothing to hide and there is no reason for secrecy.” says Greg Neitzert.


  1. “We need to protect and preserve neighborhoods with zoning,” says Greg Neitzert.  “We need to provide a business friendly climate that promotes growth and prosperity, while at the same time providing residential uses with maximum protection.  As existing commercial development expands, we must preserve the unique character of our neighborhoods and provide appropriate and sufficient land use transitions and buffering.”


NOTE:  The Installation Ceremony will take place at 2pm on Tuesday, May 17, 2016 at Carnegie Town Hall, 235 W. 10th St, Sioux Falls, SD.

By l3wis