
Tuesday mornings are heating up at Minnehaha (SD) County Commission Public Input. Bob Kolbe and Dick Kelly are sparring again about history on May 31, 2016. Questions is, is it the county’s or theirs? And if you don’t like it, you can depart.

5 Thoughts on “We don’t need your history lessons Bob

  1. Whats the point BOB? Your beginning to be a stubborn case of geriatric herpes. I’ve had to watch county politics for 15 years now and there is 0 difference between you, Kelly or Barth. You were and still are a sanctimonious bag of wind.

    No one gives to shits about your “trust scale”.

    We need to bring back Carol Tweed to put you in your place. Harassing government meetings is not a hobby and with dumbasses like you haranguing ever week, we will never get better folks to fill those chairs.

    So for the next pious speech you scribble, roll it up real tight and shove it in the same orifice as your head.

  2. The D@ily Spin on June 2, 2016 at 9:10 pm said:

    Give these two a shuffleboard face off. It’s more aggressive than bingo. Real leaders are more complicated and relevant. Time for new blood and test for blood pressure. I’m not age discriminate because I’m as old as they.

  3. Blasphemo on June 3, 2016 at 12:40 pm said:

    OMG. I wondered what was up with this guy after hearing him at City Council public input. Too late now for some much needed Toast Masters public speaking coaching . . . . but, man. Too much rambling, too folksy, too soft a voice. Just not effective at all on the mic. He wastes everyone’s time meandering among too many subjects, and never seems to get to the/any point. Getting lost in his notes apparently scribbled on so many little scraps of paper. . . . . Give it a rest, already.

  4. How down right stupid can we get. Wait, don’t answer that.

  5. Reliable Voter on June 4, 2016 at 6:15 pm said:

    So Blog Overlord: who would you pick to be on your “fantasy” County Commission? Not considering party, electability, etc.

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