
4 Thoughts on “Cant believe this was recorded in 1995

  1. The D@ily Spin on June 10, 2016 at 6:30 am said:

    I met Bernie about 10 years ago while working in VT. He’s social. Most from VT are intraverted. Burlington is renowned for the medical university and Lake Champlain. It’s close to Montreal but most US commerce comes into Canada from the Albany NY area. I liked Montpelier. It’s winding narrow streets downtown have small unusual shops and an early american atmosphere. VT has a dozen ski areas. Most are the best snow skiing in North America. Summer mountain biking and fly fishing are also great. VT is in the northeast but it’s rural and away from mega business evils.

  2. Warren_Phear on June 10, 2016 at 7:09 am said:

    I have been following Bernie closely since he became a Senator in 2007. This is a great video you dug up l3wis. It could have been a video from yesterday. That’s why I like him. His message has always been the same. Justice for the working class. We have all seen it erode bit by bit over the last 35 years. He is taking that message to the convention in July. He will not waiver. Why. He cannot be bought. If party rules had been followed the choice for presidential candidate would have been made in Philly by super delegates, who are in place to pick the candidate best suited to win in November. Instead, outlets like the AP inject themselves into the news by declaring Hillary the winner. The argus follows up with the same BS story.

    I have already cut my ties with the argus. This week I will do the same with direct tv. Don’t need em. If I want the real news, I come here, or countless other sources. Here is just one.


  3. Amazing! And why have most Americans let this by them. Because of the dumbing down process: Florid in your drinking water is good for your teeth…?!? Heavy metals are good for keeping you well grounded in case we loose our gravity?!? ect,ect.

    This should be our new national anthem:


  4. Sorry for the typos. But i have dyslexia due to a vitamin D shot they gave me as a kid….Florid in my drinking water didn’t help either! “We Ha”

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