
We went to another one of our favorite Sioux Falls citizen advisory boards on June 30, 2016, the Board of Ethics or is it Unethics? You know the one where the mayor runs for cover when he wants to punish his political opponents, reward his supporters or wants to put his name on a city building.

You see this is the citizen board where a mayor can appoint his friends to give official sanction for questionable behavior of a city official. We have watched this board be sanctioned by the State of South Dakota Open Meeting Board. Do you know how bad an ethics process can be when state ranked 2nd worst in ethics tells the city to clean up its act?

We watch this short meeting to see how the members perform since out last meeting video was done in 2014 when the Chair of the group and Mayor were brought up on charges. Since our last visit a Council Chair was allowed to be on a board with business before the city and two council members were told they should not be political or something like that.

It makes no sense and yet it does.

3 Thoughts on “Unethics Board, June 30, 2016

  1. The D@ily Spin on July 2, 2016 at 9:32 pm said:

    Basically. an unelected lynch mob with the mayor’s attorney present to be sure Councilors not YES with the mayor are threatened with ethics (aka punishment) repercussion. Staggers endured this and won state censure of the city. What’s disgusting is this maneuver is even available.

    Sounds to me like sell and buy drugs from our cartel or we’ll take your life.

  2. The D@ily Spin on July 2, 2016 at 10:17 pm said:

    I knew Clark Kent. He was a friend of mine. Mr. Pfeifle, you’re no Clark Kent. Under your expensive suit is not Superman.

  3. There needs to be a different process for the ethics committee, the current process doesn’t work.

    Imagine a CEO going to court as the defendant (or one of his top managers) and him being able to select the jury and put people he knows on that jury.

    That’s exactly what Huether does with the ethics board. That’s why there’s never been a ruling against him or one of his appointees.

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