
Bad Bad Neighbor or is it Bad Bad Mayor? At what point do the people of Sioux Falls decide they have had enough of the propaganda? Sure, we want a nice, clean village to live in but when will the Minister of Propaganda learn we can accomplish so much more without encouraging neighbor on neighbor violence and property destruction?

The shaming of a property owner on South Main Street shammed the city of Sioux Falls on June 22, 2016. We’re sure most have seen the disgusting display of disgrace toward our fellow citizens shown in the local media perpetrated by the chief marketing officer. He should listen to and take heart the words of his new code enforcement manager Matt Tobias.

This video could have been shot in city hall but instead Mike and Heather produce it in front of the offending property but make it look like the attractive neighboring house is the problem. We did an interview with Theresa Stehly minutes before our view was changed by Heather because of “privacy concerns.” Bulls**t. If privacy was a concern, we would not have had the presser where it was held.

Within minutes of the first presser broadcasts in the local press, vandalism began around the community by our neighbors following the mayor’s lead. Mayor Huether should be ashamed but he does not know shame and this proves it.

When will the code enforcement system of the city of Sioux Falls become constitutional? The way this mayor operates things, never so we’d better get ready for more neighbor on neighbor violence. Thanks Mike.

3 Thoughts on “Bad, Bad, Bad neighbor, June 22, 2016

  1. If this was in front of my home I would do everything I could to offend. I’d pull out my most offensive album, put my speakers in the front windows, and blast it as loudly as I could. I’d be sitting on my front step screaming obscenities. Then I’d be contacting my lawyer to see about suing the city and the neighbors for harassment.

    LOL at “in Sioux Falls, SD we take code enforcement very serious”. What a dickweed.

  2. The D@ily Spin on July 3, 2016 at 10:56 pm said:

    For democratic constitutional cities, there’s a single citation and appeals process. If necessary, a property owner can be taken to court for correction or judgement. Not true in Sioux Falls. Here, you’re harrassed outside from legal due process procedure. Code enforcement recruits your neighbors with a smear campaign. You’re denied a hearing, presenting evidence, and calling witnesses. The city attorney is deathly afraid of hearings and court because they lose every case and get reprimanded by the state. They lose because there’s no violation. Code enforcement is the mayor’s secret police for those who speak out about the tyranny and corruption.

    My neighbor had police into his yard for barbecue and beer. I later discovered it was recorded as police calls. I had to threaten making false charges. It’s a setup.

    Can’t we repeal Home Rule Charter and return to democracy with individual liberty and the right to a trial?

  3. matt johnson on July 5, 2016 at 9:06 pm said:

    MMM likes to talk about bad neighbors- I say among the worst is the city itself. They can declare an area a conservation area and never have to mow it, but if I own land right next to it I had better not violate the 8″ rule. They can allow drainage problems to exist for years (or decades) and blow smoke up our ass at council meetings about how concerned they are about those issues. What a bunch of phonies.

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