
This is an instructional video for all to learn how to destroy a career with one project. We learn how a reasonably respected building designer can compromise everything in a classic business as usual scenario. The only problem is the Sioux Falls City Council is not running in the old business as usual mode any longer.

On July 12, 2016 the City Council convened for the Tuesday Informational to discuss the disgustingly biased report done by the “consultants” hired by the city to give a “fair” evaluation of the condition of the 300 Building opened in 1971. After the Informational was done, we had to go there for a real tour to see if the consultants were even close to being unbiased. They weren’t looking at the same building we saw.

The city staff should be brought up on ethics charges for the job they tried to do on the reputation of this building designed to last a lot longer than the one the designer wants to build. The 300 Building in downtown Sioux Falls was built to federal government specifications to last forever.

As you watch our video, notice how the presenters work to reinforce the concept of conflict of interest. How’s the search for new ethical members of the that certain board coming along? They may be tested.

With our trusty tape measure in one hand and our handicam in the other we tour the 300 Building and find many irregularities in the submitted report. The staff and consultants should be ashamed of themselves.

One Thought on “How to Bash a Building, July 12, 2016

  1. Wow. What a load of crap.

    Stairwells are unsafe because handrails are only on one side. Seriously? Handrails can’t be installed on the other side?

    Quoting $300 to $500 sq ft to remodel when $170 is the going rate?

    And Rolfing trying to hurry things along anytime a dissenting councilor wants to make a comment by interrupting them. Very disrespectful.

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