Will Huether veto the admin repeal in the dark of the night, or is he really taking his time to decide whether or not he wants to waste his political capital on a veto? He could also be just dragging his feet to as close to the October due date so the council couldn’t try to stop it again;

On Wednesday, Huether issued a statement saying he will hold off on responding to that vote, though he did not give a specific timeline.

Huether said he “recognizes the interest and importance of the project and also celebrates the due diligence and sacrifice put forth by the city’s project team and the city council.”

Don’t expect a press conference either way.

2 Thoughts on “In the dark of the night?

  1. The D@ily Spin on July 21, 2016 at 7:43 am said:

    He’ll veto. His ego mandates it. He’s Pharoah who built a gladiator coliseum and nobility baths. He deserves a pyramid with cubicles for special servants. This project should thwart the city into default. It’ll cost the mayor a run for governor and (perhaps) he’ll finally be investigated federally for bond fraud.

  2. anominous on July 22, 2016 at 12:24 pm said:

    City leaders know we need this building for the necessary and larger administrations of the future. Due to melting polar ice and rising sea levels, much of the american coasts will be underwater by 2050, and that means a large movement of hundreds of thousands of hippies into the great plains, most of which will migrate into eastern south dakota to raise hemp and turn the state body politic blue.

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