It seems Rachel came out of nowhere. I think the asswhippings she gave to Pat Buchanan really propelled her career. Not only is Rachel smart and not full of shit, like most pundits, she has a sense of humor – and this is important (in fact she is really laugh my balls off funny). So many pundits say silly things with a staight face you wonder what kind of drugs they are on. Seriously. Rachel spits it out, laughs a little, and moves on. No dicking around (I know – bad pun).

4 Thoughts on “My favorite pundit of 2008

  1. Comoprozac on December 24, 2008 at 8:29 am said:

    And she came out in support of bloggers – wearing PJ’s and slippers – after Palin criticized the blogosphere…which was responsible for her even getting the nomination.

  2. Como – if you could find a link to that video I would love to see it.

    So she was dresses like Rosy O’donnell?

  3. Warren Phear on December 24, 2008 at 12:59 pm said:

    Agreed l3wis. I used to watch MSNBC for Olbermann, now I think Rachel is the voice.

  4. Thanks for the link Warren. I love her sarcasm, she has figured out, you have to laugh at politicians not put them on pedestals or you will just end up hating them when they (ultimately) disappoint you. I keep my expectations low – heart problems run in the family. Conservatives have trouble with sarcasm though, just speak at a gavel happy SF city council meeting sometime. I remember when the douchiest D-bag of them all, Bush’s former speech writer (who helped Bush lie about Iraq) was on her show, and belittled Rachel for using sarcasm in her show. He was a total dickwad. I think it was the first time I have ever seen her pissed.

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