
Hizonor da mayor of Sioux Falls dropped by Democratic Forum on July 22,2016 to let us know all the stuff going on in town and how he is the center of it.

The group sucked all the PowerPoint program up and asked some good questions. As usual with Cameraman Bruce in the room we hear about how there is always one bad neighbor out of 100.

By l3wis

3 thoughts on “Mayor Huether at Democratic Forum, July 22, 2016”
  1. He has people who speak out against him false arrested. It happened about events center siding. He assaults people who film him. Now he’s throwing chairs into the audience. We gotta get rid of this guy because the city can’t afford liability insurance.

  2. Holly Hogendoz batman, not Sir Paul. Get out of here………and he said: what a bone head this guy is compleatly out of here

  3. The truth is mayor, out of your delusion… this is no paradise living here. I lived in 4 other states and can tell you that i have never seen such a backwards community. Businesses get away with murder here because people have been trained not to make any waves. I have had situations were if they tried the same “let’s see what we can get away with” instead of just doing the job right, they would of been beaten to death! It’s hot, humid, and down right infested with all kinds of biting critters. Winter’s that are just unbearable, cold as hell with no snow. I know people have to be from some were, however the people here really don’t know better. Some people when you say your going to Alaska look at you like your going to Mars. So your delusion is somewhat understandable. But please, don’t act like it’s some kind of paradise just because your the mayor. My last conclusion is that if there was ever a case were somebody needs to put on Ritalin….well, you would be it.

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