I asked this same question at public input (FF: 16:00);

Caller John asked (and re-asked a couple of times) why the mayor supported the indoor pool before the proposed city services building.

A good question. A really good question, it just didn’t need to be asked four or five times.

Which reminded me how the RR relocation project got buried when the ‘Build it Downtown’ peeps wanted that area for parking of a Downtown Events Center.

He did say he wasn’t going to reveal whether he would veto the Council’s decision to resend the previous vote by the previous council to approve the building. I hope that makes sense (he also said he made his decision, but wouldn’t reveal it yet).

Always when it is convenient for Mike and not convenient for the citizens. Way to lead with the time God gave you Mike.

3 Thoughts on “Where was the importance of the Admin building when Mayor Mike was cheerleading for the indoor pool?

  1. Warren_Phear on July 27, 2016 at 8:34 am said:

    Reminds you of the RR relocation project. Reminds me of 2010 and the big push for the events center. The good mayor had his front man, cotter, doing near daily city bulletins pushing for the center, while knowing full well the conditions of our water and sewer lines. Also knowing full well what the future costs would be to get water, sewer, and electrical needs to our industrial park outposts scattered in several locations. So, while we have a shiny new tin can, we have also quadrupled water and sewer rates in only the last decade.

    I never believed for a minute mmm would say anything about a decision he has already made up. Why? Remember, this guy has one goal, and one goal only. Media attention. Why would he relegate a decision to page 4 of the argus behind his front page budget, when he can wait two days and be front page news again? His ego knows no bounds.

  2. Priorities, what priorities? Infrastructure, awe will wait till it causes a multitude of problems. It’s what makes me happy! Spot on Warren!

  3. Meanwhile the peasants have to paint their own lines on the street in front of their property.

    Let them eat cake sayeth Queen Huether.

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