As you can see from the photos, many citizens are voicing their opinion on the administration building.

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Props to Argus Leader reporter Joe Snevalacious for finding this video, apparently Bruce bringing the Mayor down.


4 Thoughts on “Stop the Funding ‘Drive Thru’ Event HUGE success!

  1. I wonder what it all means?

  2. Bruce go get them I am working on my petition to get them signed.Amazing this guy want to keep building but pays no attention to the workers in this city.I am just sorry I voted for him when he first ran.

  3. The D@ily Spin on August 7, 2016 at 12:50 pm said:

    When 5500 signatures are collected in 10 days, I’m willing to bet Mike Huether has no chance for a higher office and (perhaps) any future post. His veto was a big mistake. It’s to late to concede. When he becomes private citizen, he’ll be appointed bad neighbor and citationed out of town to his dry lake near Madison.

  4. The D@ily Spin on August 7, 2016 at 12:58 pm said:

    It’s times like this he needs the 3 ancient alienated Councilors. Take them with you.

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