
Bruce Danielson will be on KELO AM in the morning (around 7:40 AM) and on KSOO (around 4:45 PM) to talk about the petition drive. There have been some questions about the funding of his drive and the robo calls. Bruce has told me that all but two donations have been under $100. One was from a retired person who has NO skin in the game, just concerned about open and transparent government and the other was the in-kind donation of office space from the owners of the 300 building.

You can listen to replay of KELO AM HERE.


10 Thoughts on “Stop the Funding to make the radio rounds Friday

  1. Warren on August 26, 2016 at 10:15 am said:

    I will on occassion listen to a bnb podcast. Reason? A one hour live segment is a 35 minute podcast. So, depending on the subject matter, I listen to about one four podcasts.

    Anyway, I listened to Bruce live today. Great job. You beat bnb at his own game. When he starts to yell and scream, yell and scream back…with the added caveat of facts. When a caller calls in with a different view than his, he simply employs a favorite trick of guys like hannity…he hangs up. Anyway, great job Bruce.

  2. I was glad that Bruce was able to set him straight on the mayor as a council member.

  3. B-n-B really has no clue what he is talking about. He claims he talks to more people then Bruce. LOL. Stop the Funding petition drive collected around 6,500 signatures that is about HALF the amount of people who voted in the last municipal election. HALF!

  4. And for people who are pissed about only 12-13,000 people voting in a municipal election, get off your lazy ass and vote, tell your friends to vote, heck trick them and tell them there is another EC on the ballot or pool we don’t need, that will get them to the polls.

  5. The D@ily Spin on August 26, 2016 at 11:02 am said:

    There will be attacks, mostly to get attention. Basically, ‘Rush Is Right’ stuff trying to get noticed. Look at Rush Limbaugh now. He wasn’t right and lost his audience.

    What worries me is that Credit Card Mike will unconstitutionally ignore the petition and use his Home Rule supreme majesty to proceed with offering junk bonds. I kinda hope he does. The bonds offer would fail and (other than First Premier) I doubt he’d find a broker sponsor.

    No matter what Credit Card Mike does, he’ll never get elected for anything in the future and lose his chance for an unecessary dormant office at Sanford Inc.. It’s worth 25 million to run him out of town. Go hide at your dry lake home. Install lots of security. It’s not nice to piss off 170,000 people.

  6. anonymous on August 26, 2016 at 12:18 pm said:

    Bruce Danielson deserves credit for the hard work it takes to run a petition drive.

    However, I think he would be more successful at building consensus if he were less strident.

  7. Warren on August 26, 2016 at 12:49 pm said:

    Trending analysis. When Bruce brought those two words into the discussion I perked up. Yes! Lets hear about trending analysis. Then bnb says thats his job??? Are you kidding me!!! Here is how bnb trends analysis. At 5 am he goes straight to breitbart, or drudge report, or fox entertainment, or limpbaugh to pick out his trending topic of the day. Then he bloviates on that topic, topics like “Does Obama have a birth certificate?” He then opens his phone lines and gets the same ten people (lemmings actually) who agree with every word bnb says. An expert at analytics? Damn near choked on my coffee ehen he said that.

    As far as being a surprise? You bet it was. The Argus ran one article on it after the april 2015 bombshell. Nothing since, til just very recently. Want to really know just how big a surprise? The city has available, or should say, should have available the last several years of the mayors proposed annual budgets, snd approved annual budgets. Go back, look at em, show me anything about an administrative building.

    B-N-B??? What a joke!!!!

  8. B-n-B brought up talking to mayor Hanson this morning. What he may or may not know is that the mayor that purchased the lot where the proposed building is supposed to go also turned in a couple sheets of petitions. That and his former COS has also said the proposed building is not very wise.

  9. Warren on August 27, 2016 at 10:03 am said:

    And for people who are pissed about only 12-13,000 people voting in a municipal election, get off your lazy ass and vote

    Maybe you did not get the daily memo Scott. According to the city’s bible, the national citizens survey, 83% of the 847 respondants vote in city elections. Now, now, I know what you are going to say…but keep in mind this is city gospel.

  10. The D@ily Spin on August 27, 2016 at 1:34 pm said:

    They paint ‘Jesus’ on snowplows. You must believe the word of thy God (aka Mayor).

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