
I’m waiting for Sioux Falls city councilor Rex Rolfing to show up to open mic night at Wackos Comedy club, no need, he just needs to show up to the audit committee meeting and open his mouth.

In one of the most confusing moments about the discussion of ‘panels’ at a city council public meeting, it takes councilor Erpenbach to interject and save Rex from his obsession about the EC siding. (FF: 33:00).

It all starts with the opening comedian, Sioux Falls City Councilor Rick Kiley talking about how CMAR (Construction Manager at Risk) is a very transparent process. Never mind the Argus Leader heading to SD Supreme Court to prove otherwise, just trust this former HS science teacher on this one.

But the headlining comedian just couldn’t resist, Rex Rolfing, from interjecting on the topic of panels. He says to our internal auditor (you know, the guy in charge of crunching numbers that have already been crunched) the “Panels have been properly installed.”

Being the stalwart city employee that Rich is, he replies, “They have all filled out conflict of interest forms.”

I hope my woodgrain white vinyl siding on my house has also.

Rich thought Rex was talking about actual committee panels and not siding panels. either way, I’m sure they are both bent in their own special way.

Some people call it the ‘Denny’ I call it the ‘Ripply’ (Believe it or not, we got screwed on the siding settlement).

Finally Erpenbach saves the day, or at least Rex’s ass and interjects that they were indeed off topic and if we need to do an audit on the siding (the bent up stuff on the EC) we could, or should I say ‘We should’. That’s up to the SD supreme court of course.

Once again, Rex is still trying to save his butt for bringing up the topic to begin with, a gift that keeps giving.

Why is the mayor’s Human Resources department picking the city councils next auditor?

Though not of the comedic nature of Rex’s testimony about ‘panels’ if you FF the audit meeting to 41:00, you will see for some reason the human resources department managed by our mayor is picking out next internal auditor (Rich is retiring). This is a job that is controlled by the city council, but somehow the mayor has managed to get his hands in the matter (similar to hiring our current city clerk, and firing former city clerk Debra Owen). Oh, but no worries, because our council leadership, Abbot and Costello (Kiley and Rolfing) are sitting on the panel (that is equally as bent up and broken as the the panels on the EC). Once they have rendered their finalist(s) the council will get to question them in executive session.

How nice of the mayor to assist the council in this difficult decision. Besides, they are too busy defending their city clerk and his liberal use of official city stamps.

Priorities People!

2 Thoughts on “Death Panels, Siding Panels or Committee Panels?

  1. The D@ily Spin on September 16, 2016 at 8:07 am said:

    I’d be careful about taking a picture with Rex. It could end up on the Internet.

    What’s new? This is a dictatorship. Huether has his nose in everything. The council is just for show. How do you stop a dictator? You defeat his army and force him into a bunker or hole in the ground. It’s sad one man can cause so much cruelty and damage but it’s characteristic for a narcissist.

    That’s not flooding. Huether says it’s a swimming pool you thought you voted against.

  2. The D@ily Spin on September 16, 2016 at 8:29 am said:

    The Huether answer could be Denny Dome siding is art. He needs 5 million to maintain priceless art. Let’s vote on it. Huether 9, Council none; Resolution passed.
    I’ve not gone inside Denny Dome and won’t without a hard hat. Probably never go there. Hotdogs cost more than Lobster.

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