
Lora was right about something

The wise folks in our Sioux Falls planning office ignored the drainage issues. Remember a few short days ago and my analogy of Sioux Falls as a pancake? Believe it or not, it is one the few tidbits I remember from a mayoral forum Lora Hubbel was in when mayor Munson was running. She warned Sioux Falls citizens of the ‘flatlands’ we live on. Well at least Lora has that conspiracy theory tied up. Now if we can just get that five foot branch to pull the trigger.

These are the images of flooding around the new Walmart and Schulte dealership on 85th street. As mayor Huether said tonight on Stormland TV, this is a 350 year flood. Where does he get this stuff?

Sorry kids, we had a simple rainstorm today, this should not be happening in a ‘well planned’ city.

I have more this weekend about the backdoor deals made since Wallyworld was built to turn this whole neighborhood into a lake.

Click to enlarge


17 Thoughts on “The SON neighborhood warned us of retail sprawl

  1. Gee when did anyone ever talk about the rush of water heading toward 85th & Grange, hmmmmmm let’s think about this.

    Why are we always getting 100, 350 and 500 year floods all of a sudden? Didn’t we just have a very wise cit council person tell us something like “Your poor planning does not require me to consider this an emergency on my part?” This has been discussed with all kinds of promises and the Council still sits there and believes the lies of more untrustworthy flood planners.

  2. Warren_Phear on September 16, 2016 at 6:42 am said:

    Once in every 350 years? Seems to me, we’ve had a half dozen of these in just the last decade. Why can’t anybody in the media call him on this BS?

  3. Global Climate Change. It must be the mayor’s fault.

  4. Also interesting to note that right there on your photos are these big round concrete things (Might they be storm sewer pipes that haven’t been installed yet??) laying there on that unfinished construction site.

  5. The D@ily Spin on September 16, 2016 at 8:15 am said:

    Here’s another $25,000,000 bond. You thought you voted against this swimming pool but lawyer language made it happen.

  6. C’mon, Ruf, everyone knows when stuff floods in Sioux Falls, it’s not the mayor’s fault, it’s ‘An act of God’.

  7. triple m was pretty proud of himself on kelo with how he handles the rains.

  8. There he goes again, trying to take credit for an act of God.

  9. The D@ily Spin on September 16, 2016 at 11:20 am said:

    How about truck the flood to Huether’s dry lake home? Wouldn’t surprise me. Actually, build a pipeline there (70 miles). Add pumping stations and call it city upgrades. Sounds like another bond sale. Huether 9, Council zero; resolution passed.

  10. The D@ily Spin on September 16, 2016 at 11:32 am said:

    350, must be dog years. Aha, so really only 50 year flood plain. At least nobody will drown with float toys available nearby from Walmart.

  11. Anononmoose on September 16, 2016 at 12:56 pm said:

    Let’s not forget the fact that Sioux Falls received more rain in 6 hours than in June, July and August combined.

    Sure, you could design your drainage system to handle the typhoons and the rainy season in Malabar, but that wouldn’t make much sense, would it?

  12. It’s good to see that even Lora Hubbel is correct at least once in her life.

  13. Lately we have been getting about 3-4 of these rains every year for the past 7 years, secondly it is the same spots that flood every time. So yes, it is time to fix the drainage to suit these kind of storms.

  14. Or we could blow our infrastructure money (repayment on Levee bonds) on more $25 million dollar play lands.

  15. As a former resident of the area, I find it odd that the flooding that happens at the intersection of 85st and Grange is an issue now that there is commercial development. That area has always flooded with the majority of it coming out of the residential areas. The residential developers need to be held accountable as well. I am not defending Wally World at all, I am just saying this has been a problem long before the acres of asphalt.

  16. The D@ily Spin on September 17, 2016 at 10:07 am said:

    The mayor sees no problem but he walks on water. We’re still learning. Meanwhile, keep snorkel and fins handy.

  17. Justin, you nailed it. The residents warned the city and developers of the impending doom. Thats why they asked the planning department to fix these drainage issues when the new development came in. They knew some kind of development was inevitable, but they wanted that development to improve the situation, not make it worse.

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