
A before and after pictures of Charis corner when an ‘Act of God’ occurs (85th and Audie)

In all fairness nothing under the eyes of the law was done illegally. The car dealership (well at least its owner) got permission from the CORP of Engineers and SF planning department to tear out the wetland behind the dealership and adjacent to the SON neighborhood. The proper forms were filled out.
But according to those who live in the neighborhood, that wasn’t supposed to be the case. There was a promise while developing the car dealership lot that they would leave the wetlands, even improve the look of them, now they are saying they are going to ‘put up a big fountain’. Whatever that means.
This a prime example of how those in power use the back door of government and loopholes to do whatever they want to. Besides the CORP approving this, the city should have never allowed the wetland that served as a retention pond to be torn out knowing the issues with drainage in the neighborhood.
Our planning department is increasingly becoming the laughing stock of our city.

5 Thoughts on “Car Dealership tears out wetlands after promising SON neighborhood they would not

  1. anonymous on September 18, 2016 at 12:15 pm said:

    Maybe the “big fountain” the dealership referred to is a Big Underground Spring!!

  2. Maybe the neighbors should get “promises” in writing.

  3. Ruf, they could never get the city to force a legal conditional use process on Wally world and Subaru screwed everyone over in their promises. Shape Places has no mechanism for forces property owners to do anything after they receive permission to build. This a reason the Lacey project fell apart when Lloyd did not commit.

  4. The D@ily Spin on September 19, 2016 at 12:36 pm said:

    A political or developers promise. That’s funny LOL. They’ll promise you a name to a star when it’s already named and burned out a century ago.

  5. The D@ily Spin on September 19, 2016 at 12:39 pm said:

    Never listen to a used car salesman or buy something off Craigslist. It’s a rule that should be a commandment.

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