If I were to say I haven’t known about what has been going on for awhile, I would be lying. In fact, I’ve known about this kind of (council) intimidation well before Huether even took office. When councilor Kevin Kavanaugh threatened to press charges against then mayor Munson who was running for a second term over middle of the night contract deal on Phillips to the Falls, he was brow beat by a group of ‘concerned citizens’ to back off. He did.

Since then, when councilors don’t play ‘reindeer games’ they get bullied and beat up. Theresa is just the latest casualty, but she wants this kind of intimidation to end;

“I have been bullied, intimidated and threatened. … I have been told not to talk to the media. I have been told not to advocate for the citizens,” she said while reading from a prepared statement.

As I have stated, elected officials are legally guaranteed by the US Constitution to 1st Amendment rights. In other words as long as they are not telling the public or the media about confidential contracts or voting on items they speak about (conflicts of interest), they are free to speak about the issues. When they use their free speech to benefit themselves or to sway votes or meetings, then they are in violation (Federal courts have ruled on this).

As far as I can tell, Stehly has not done any of those things. She has spoken honestly to the public and the media about issues facing our community. She has NOT used her speech to benefit herself or others. She is for transparency, period.

8 Thoughts on “Bully Council Chair Rex Rolfing gets handed his A . .

  1. FluffMcMagic on September 20, 2016 at 8:29 pm said:

    This kind of behavior from city officials is going too far. Perhaps it is time they stop running the city like a for profit business and start representing the constituents.

  2. The D@ily Spin on September 20, 2016 at 9:08 pm said:

    I spoke to a career city employee this evening. Their moral is at an all time low. Theirs no supply inventory. Machinery is breaking down. Management is paid to much while employee compensation is dormant. He’s not far from retirement and doesn’t think he can stay. I talked to a fireman over the weekend. He’s 5 years from retirement but interviewing and will take another job out of town for less money. I get the impression city employees would vote for a mayor who respects the unions and brings the city back into democratic due process. It’s to bad a third live out of town. Their vote (alone) could disturb if not bring down city oligarchy.

  3. The D@ily Spin on September 20, 2016 at 9:10 pm said:

    No wonder Huether lives 70 miles out of town. It’s not safe for him here and his worst enemies are city staff.

  4. Erp is so bad she cant even keep her shit togehter long enough to pretend to be tranparent.

    I love this quote from her.
    “I want you to start learning about teamwork, that we are eight individuals that we work as a team and I want you to understand, citizens, it’s not as bad as we sometimes sound like up here,” Councilor Michelle Erpenbach said.

    What she is publicly saying to another councilor is, you must submit these proposals to her BEFORE they are made public so she can give her disapproval behind close doors.

    The problem with telling too many lies is you forget which are lies and which are the truth.

  5. Gaveled? By who? The guy that just got back from DC advocating for a $1,500,000,000,000 dollar dodo bird that still, after 15 years of development, cannot pass a simple combat qualifications standard? Our tax dollars at work. Then this guy gavels a true citizens advocate?

  6. The D@ily Spin on September 21, 2016 at 10:20 am said:

    Warren’s mad. He’s also right.

  7. Erpenbach a Huether follower.

  8. Concerned citizen on September 21, 2016 at 5:41 pm said:

    This exposure has been highly needed. We already know that at least certain councilors have had no interest in listening or advocating the concerns of citizens……but to have it verbalized by courageous Theresa Stehly that the the city is their boss? Then who do citizens go if they have concerns? Theresa is speaking the truth and it’s high time that the truth be exposed. It is mayor Mike, his attorney, and his three cronies that have intimidated councilors and citizens. I attempted to talk to the mayor in a professional, respectful manner re: an issue some time ago and I was not listened to, but lectured. It was clear he had no interest in my concerns. I applaud Theresa for standing up for transparency and can only hope the newest councilors can be advocates for us.

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