9 Thoughts on “Sioux Falls City Councilor Theresa Stehly fills us in on Belfrage

  1. One of the many things I gathered from this podcast. mmm has a slew of lawyers to fall back on, and God knows, he needs them. A councilor on the other hand? They have the city clerk. As I recall the city at one time had a hell of a city clerk, Debra Owen. She was called into executive session to also be burned at the stake alive, with the public still wondering what in the hell went wrong. My personal feeling is she was not the atypical rubber stamper mmm comes to expect from the people who sit in those chairs on Tuesday nights. Now we have a mayor appointed city clerk, greco, who has a rubber stamp stapled to his forehead. This is the person who would stand beside Theresa on an ethics charge?

    BTW, go Theresa. You are that beacon of light this city so desperatley needs.

  2. The Blogger Formerly Known as "Winston" on September 21, 2016 at 12:30 pm said:

    There is this talk, even by Councilwoman Stehly, that there may be ethical charges filed against Stehly for her most recent actions involving this controversy, but I ask for what and why?…. Regardless of whether you agree with her or not.

    It appears that what Stehly has truly brought to light is the fact that we still apparently have a mayor and two commissioner form of city government in Sioux Falls. Even with all of the evolutionary changes which have taken place in Sioux Falls since the mid 1980s, it is now apparent that the greater democratization of our local government over the years has been more image than substance.

    When we had the mayor and two commissioner form of city government with the planning head called the “third commissioner” one could understand, right or wrong, why our political leaders saw themselves and or lead as “The City” in a very paternalistic manner, but it is now obvious, that in order for us to truly evolve into a more democratic process with our city government, that our representative leaders need to be freed from this paternalistic mentality or cloak.

    On another note, I learned last night that over 11,000 tuned into KELO “Live” on Facebook to watch the City council meeting, and I was one of them. I also have to admit that it was the first time I had watched a city council meeting in its entirety, but what amazed me from this was regardless of how you feel about this most recent controversy in City government was how “Mayberry” the proceedings seemed to be.

    Now this is both good and bad, however. Watching the proceedings and the discussions about radar speed detectors and improvements to the Canaries’ dressing rooms you would think that we lived in a city which did not have an ever increasing crime rate. My question is, when will our City leaders, whether they think they represent “The City” or the people, going to start to understand that if you really want to get a hold of the crime situation in this town and do something of great immediate significance, then it will not be done wasting essential time showing off Powerpoint demonstrations showing letters from the Ipswich or Kennebec city governments about radar detectors, or being more worried about the dressing room conditions for some minor league baseball players, nor scolding representatives for merely trying to represent?

    Oh, I must comment on this “team player” thing, too. “Team player” is code for shut-up and fall in line, or better yet, maybe it begs the question as to who is the “team.” Is it “The City” or the people?

  3. I here yah Winston, but I will defend Theresa on the radar signs, I have done my research also. They are very effective, and very cost effective also (solar powered, simple brackets) then hauling trailers around. The only excuse our great Public Works director had was that he doesn’t have the staff to move them. LOL.

    When it comes to crime, speeding is a epidemic in Sioux Falls, and spending a little extra money on the actual safety of children instead of playthings is probably more prudent.

  4. The Blogger Formerly Known as "Winston" on September 21, 2016 at 3:41 pm said:

    I get you l3wis, I do, but this is an issue, which legislators should appropriate and the bureaucrats should discuss… I think we have bigger fish to fry in terms of public discourse.

    The fact that the rising crime rate in this town is not being adequately addressed by anyone in this town in a position of leadership is either mind boggling or just further proof that we are being ruled and not led in this town – especially, when most of the crime happens north of I-229, but most of the leadership and appointments to boards and commissions to oversee and rule or lead the city goes to those living south of I-229.

    Relying upon electronic devices to enforce laws is just further proof of something I have been complaining about for some time, and that is that we do not have enough police officers in this town for a city of our size.

    About 15 years ago, a study claimed Sioux Falls had the smallest number of officers per capital in the nation for a metropolitan area and my guess is this is still true and a major reason why people are speeding more and causing more crime.

    I don’t want a “police state” any more than anyone else, but I also do not want increasing crime in my town, either. It is time we became a city of safe streets and not merely a town with a spray park and spacey developmental dreams.

    Twenty-four years ago, when Craig Stensland (not sure about his last name, frankly) ran against and defeated Jay Masur for a spot on the old City commission. Mr. S proposed a need for Sioux Falls to look at the idea of creating district or precinct police stations throughout the town to better position the police within the city and reduce crime. At the time, I thought he was getting a little head of himself and I, as I am sure others did too, scuffled at the idea because we were still living in the little dreamy world that this was Sioux Falls, we are perfect, and nothing bad ever happens in here, but in hindsight, Mr. S was right.

    Even much smaller Aberdeen mentioned last week that they are going to go to a district system to better patrol their much smaller community as they have noticed a spike in their crime rate, too. It is time Sioux Falls leadership woke up and smelled the coffee on this crime issue and did something about it.

    Oh, I know, people will say how are you going to pay for it?
    Well, that is easy. We have the money because it is a priority. When the furnace goes out in your house you don’t say, “Well, we will deal with that one when we get back from Disney World.” No, you fix the problem so that the pipes don’t bust while you are down south and the problem may even cause the cancelation of your trip because of finite resources.

    We need to be less about new police-less radar systems, new parking lots, and obsessed with lofty ideas like sports authority zones, new 19 story high-rises, or new locker rooms for the Caranies, and more about appropriating the adequate funds to hire an ample police force to fight crime in this town…. And it also does not help, when you allow or encourage economic development in this town to include phrases like “GUNS, G…, and R… n R…,” when you know darn right our citizens and police force will become the true consumers and or victims of its eventual and or potential reality, while nothing is adequately done to lessen and or the prevent the problem….

  5. The D@ily Spin on September 21, 2016 at 5:54 pm said:

    The ethics process occurred for Staggers. The state had a hearing clearing him and censured the city for making false charges. There’s no penalty and the media paid little attention. Today, Huether distanced himself stating he’s executive branch while this ethics matter is a council responsibility. Why? Because Huether appoints the ethics board. So, the whole process is rigged. Stehly can concede or leave. She can contest with the state who will scold but not punish. Why is there a council? Realistically; votes are always Huether 9, Council 0, resolution passed.

    My advice for Theresa is demand an ethics hearing. They’ll have to appoint a board and present evidence that can be used later. Evidence that can be used for mayor and Rolfing recalls. Be sure you get ‘findings of fact and conclusions of law’. Accept a leave of absence pending state appeal process. In other words ‘lawyer up’. Keep this going to stall city business. Your lawyer should take this on contingency (no fee). Once you’re cleared, any city decision while you were absent can be contested. Basically, stall all city business and keep Pfieffle in Pierre with most of the city legal staff.

    I endured city legal venue harassment for 8 years and won. As a councilor, you can keep them dormant and (likely) reverse council decisions.

    If/when you’ve had enough, resign. It’ll not be as effective but you could become a valuable member of the resistance. You know the petition process. After the 28th (Danielson case), the city attorney must provide a formal petition form. Signers for the ‘Stop the Funding’ can sign a revised petition but also recall petitions for the mayor and Rolfing. The city clerk will have 3 petitions by mid October. The 6500 are angry. They’ll sign but they’ve recruited their friends and family. Potentially, new petitions will have 8,000 signatures. It’s gonna be hard to sell bonds with pending public and recall actions.

  6. The D@ily Spin on September 21, 2016 at 6:03 pm said:

    Stehly got us snow gates via petition process. It’ll be interesting if she’s subpoenad for the 28th. A seated councilor doesn’t look good. Why should she care about how the city is impacted. Huether and Rolfing are caught worse than ever. This’ll prevent them from doing more damage through to the end of their terms.

  7. Concerned citizen on September 21, 2016 at 6:20 pm said:

    Please do listen to the broadcast….it is only 12 minutes long and you will be able to hear Theresa’s concerns without being gaveled or yelled at. I wonder how many of the new councilors agree wth her. Yes, she could have been dealt the same fate as Debra Owen did in secret session….but she knew what was coming! What is happening in city government has to be stopped. The only answer is to stand up to Mayor Mike and his three power monger puppets.Thank you on the council who are trying to make a difference!

  8. I’ve watched the video and I believe she played this wrong. She should have begun by asking these questions in the public forum:
    why are we having this secret meeting?
    What is the purpose of this meeting?
    Considering the subject matter, why is this a closed meeting?
    Do all councilors have to attend these meeting?
    Will any actions be singled out during the meeting?

    Then she should have attended the meeting and gave a press conference after to tell what she says is happening to her.

    Lastly, she cannot keep on this road of vagueness. She has to name names and give specific instances of her experiences. Right now she looks a bit like poor looser who’s emotions are getting the best of her.

    I know she’s been bullied and I don’t think she’s lying. You cant change the game overnight. When you ask tough questions of your opponents, you keep them on defense and then you can begin to write the narrative. The last thing you want to do is be radioactive to your allies.

    Right now the mayor is loving this because he’s marginalized his opponents and appears to be taking the high road by saying nothing. When he finally speaks about this he will empathize with Theresa’s passion and say that an active council is making a better city, BUT we need to keep working together as a team.

  9. FluffMcMagic on September 22, 2016 at 7:42 am said:

    Well said Winston. Crime is out of control and it needs attention. It needs more police. There’s no way around it.

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