
Theresa didn’t apologize for speaking out for the citizens, but she did apologize for ignoring the gavel;

“Today I want to apologize to you for not recognizing the decorum of the gavel,” Stehly said.

“I want to say that moving forward, I hope that we can work together with a renewed sense of peace, integrity and respect,”

I will give Theresa credit for taking the high road on this one. Can we expect an apology from the chair? I know this wasn’t easy for her, but sometimes we have to face our humility.

The timing of her apology is kind of ironic especially with all the different letters to the editor supporting her online today;

As for Councilwoman Theresa Stehly, “You go girl.” She can keep fighting for us, the voters.

And the graces keep coming;

We are still wondering why three other councilors made a huge change in their vote on the new city building. The only reason given was that Mayor Mike Huether would have gone ahead with his plan unethically, no matter what the vote was. To change your vote just because you will lose anyway, is neither staying with your conscience and values, nor good for good government. Those three counselors all passionately said it was a hard vote. Voting right is not hard, but making a wrong turn is hard if you have a conscience.

And one more for good measure;

I have read a few articles on what Councilwoman Theresa Stehly is doing wrong, but in reality, these articles are saying what we the people are doing wrong. Stehly is the voice for those of us who voted her in, and to date, based on many examples she is doing, what we want her to do.


4 Thoughts on “UPDATE: Stehly apologizes to the council for ignoring the gavel and decorum

  1. The D@ily Spin on September 27, 2016 at 5:57 pm said:

    Stehly must fall into a Staggers mode. He politely didn’t follow the track of the mayor’s manipulated council so he could stay on the council representing citizens. We have someone. It’s Stehly. Starr has also dissented. I hope he doesn’t succumb.

  2. The D@ily Spin on September 27, 2016 at 6:05 pm said:

    Makes me wonder what Huether sponsors paid for Councilors at the silent auction before the executive session.

  3. Theresa did the noble thing. She fell on the sword. Much more than I can say for nearly the entire council, in past or future events.

  4. Ol'Bubbleguts on September 28, 2016 at 4:34 pm said:

    the gavel and defacto judicial granite
    have not served duhmerica well
    mercy on our own souls and country men and wimmin(i do have one)
    so allow me to peruse
    some of dans rantings in a semi autonomous state

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