By l3wis

15 thoughts on “One-Party rule always works out in the end. And the END is very near.”
  1. I see the party banners but what about the eagle with the wings spread with the talons holding the clock above the speakers podium?

  2. Is Germany today considered a socialist democracy? If so, their unions are strong, worker productivity is the highest or one of the highest in the world yet the factory workers get at least a month off for holiday. An economic powerhouse and strong NATO ally. Germany is known to produce well engineered, high precision and quality products and a leader in Solar and clean energy.

    Germany 1930s and 40s. It sure looks like the US is leaning that way given what has been happening recently. fascism.

  3. I watched a doc on Germany recently. I think it was PBS. Germany’s youth are too poor to raise kids and the post war generation is dying off quickly. Merckles answer was to import the Syrians but they don’t seem to be much for hard work so their actually speeding up the problem.

    Governments need to stop tinkering with social programs, and keep the greed in check.

  4. LJL, Germany did have a labor shortage at least before the Volkswagon emissions scandal. The amount of refugees they took in will be especially challenging for Germany to help properly integrate them but my point is that Socialism seems to be demonized far too much and equated with Communism which was a total failure.

    Fire & police departments? I sure appreciate that they are public entities and not privatized. Same with other vital government entities. Private correctional facilities did not work out so well.

  5. I agree that socialism for the safety of the people is a adequate comprimise. I would go far as to say that the city owning the garbage, sewer and water is a good fit. Having 10 haulers going past my house each day is just stupid. Thats about as far as I can go down a social hole.

    Yes privatizing prisons has been a failure. To many politicians have financial interests in these ventures.

    When you get right down to the very root of all of our problems it’s the lack of morals or shame that corrupts us all. Socialism only works when everyone has the same values and rejects self interests.

    There was avery good doc ( I think Frontline) that looked at social medicine in Europe. Bottom line it works because their culture is much different than ours and their citizens were very conscious about not being a burden on the system. Sweden especially. I work with a Norwegian immigrant and he pretty much explained it the same way.

    He also said that this “soft socialism” would never work here. We’re just too far gone morally to switch to a everyone for all system.

  6. When personally taking an extended tour of Europe over 30 years ago the beginning of Ronald Reagan’s foreign policy disasters were taking shape. The rise of big money was destroying the smaller economies of the world forcing small farmers off their farms and into cities where they could not make the money needed to feed their families. What started as a trickle and it is now a tsunami wave of people heading to a place revenge or physical safety.

    The growth of ISIS and other “terrorist” organizations are known to have started by the policies of the top world economies. Even if these policies started innocently the vultures of the World Bank and other organizations took over.

    The people who are being resettled or lashing out in “terrorist” ways are looking at surviving or getting even.

    We now have a new federal government ready to do things to the rest of the world without understanding how we got to our current situations. Around the world we have other governments turning to similar policies as a backlash to the evils Ike told us about in his final address to the nation back in 1961. Until we reform our military–industrial complex policies we as a nation will not survive.

    Dwight D. Eisenhower used the term in his Farewell Address to the Nation on January 17, 1961, go look it up for a refresher. Ike was a student of history and a major player in what happened leading up to 1932. Why do we have to start all over again with the ignorance ruling the day?

  7. Bruce I am becoming more interested in a unique to South Dakota political party that can possibly integrate the positives of both the Democratic and Republican parties but have it focused on the needs and future challenges facing South Dakota. A party like a business that is really customer focused and there to serve and respond to concerns but try to keep those voters of what the real challenges are.

    looking at the past election it showed a real disconnect of the SDDP and the voters here in our state and what is really important to them. There seemed to be a lot of preaching, name calling with condescension. What a great way to alienate potential allies and eliminate any chances of finding common ground on issues aside from motivating more voters to not only vote against a few particular candidates but an entire party. These particular people within the SDDP have not even learned from it and the same result will occur in the next election cycle.

    This may be the best time to explore around the state and see if they are interested in a new party and how it could help them. Competition is good for everyone.

  8. I volunteered and door knocked almost an entire district for a candidate this past election and there were some voters that initially I would of disagreed with on policy but some vented and I asked questions and just listened and they really appreciated that. They may not of voted for the candidate I was volunteering for but afterwards I thought about what they said and there is a reason why they came to that point and their beliefs and can relate. There may be opportunities for us to work together and consider their different viewpoints in the future.

    People are hurting out there and there is a huge disconnect.

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