This whole thing about the swim teams, and elitism is total hogwash. The fact is the mayor’s ‘peeps’ had NO plan when they opened the doors. Now they are spinning what was being said about the swim teams and the media misleading people. I think the media was very clear; The Mayor talks out of both sides of his mouth.

Also, I loved Sneveawonderful’s tweet about the empty suit B-N-B is, and his spelling challenged* producer, Too-Late Todd.

*Todd often spells names of politicians wrong in his posts (I’m not perfect either) but one day he had three different posts about councilor Stehly and he spelled her name three different ways, none of them correct. No wonder he doesn’t pracktuce lawe anymoore. Remember, in journalism, it IS the little things that count.


By l3wis

8 thoughts on “Let’s Face It, the Mayor and the Director of Parks had NO plan before opening the indoor pool”
  1. Joe Sneve nailed him. Like MSNBC and Fox, without one another they would both collapse.

    I would argue that Da Mayor had this was the plan all along and played everybody. His bud at Augie got a new pool for the rich kids to use and all of us suckers get to pay for it.

  2. Of course he did, he had to play to the peasants for awhile. As I have told him in council meetings, I am thrilled the pool is doing well. But I would be curious to see how many low income kids are using the facility.

  3. Strike two for ‘Credit Card Mike’. So far we have half a billion in debt and everything failed. Strike three is the proposed City Admin Building. There goes another 120 million for something unfit for occupancy. This melt down is worse than Chernobyl.

  4. I cannot wait to see mike explain the first year-end report on the operating expenses for this 24 million dollar taxpayer-owned facility.

    Maybe those swim team parents will have to kick in some more…….

  5. The city is playing games with the pension funds to find ready cash to make the electric bills and salaries on the backs of the very employees he is planning to put into the new Romantix Annex Office Building.

    When the administration can’t even figure out what offices are moving into the building or how they will be using the building you quickly see the foolishness and foolhardy nature of this Mayor.

    Look around the USA and see the collapse of pension funds and you will see the likes of Mike Huether and Tracy Turbak trying to meet current obligations on the backs of the employees who had to trust them.

  6. Credit Card Mike is milking everywhere. Tells me there’s serious liquidity issues. He’s using the brown nose crew on the council to hire a crooked auditor for a rosy creative audit. I wouldn’t be surprised if retirement funds are used for base bond payments. There’s a lot of moving money around using one credit card to make minimums on others. When Turbak resigns, the end is near. What then? Can’t recall the mayor. There’s no form for it.

  7. How about use the pool for guppies and selling to pet shops. Denny Dome could become cattle sales and a hay barn. The pawn shop a grain elevator.
    We’ve lost free speech, due process, and constitutional liberty. Taxes will be unreasonable. Snow removal, crime, picketing, no petition process?

    Time to catfish a Russian for a K-1 Visa and move there?

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