In case you missed my performance last night, here is my Naughty/Nice list;
NAUGHTY: Trump being elected by the Electoral College without support of a majority of American Voters
NICE: Being screwed in the rear doesn’t seem so awful anymore
NAUGHTY: Kyle West and all his stupid rants
NICE: So glad I have no idea who this guy is
NICE: All the sold out concerts at the Events Center
NAUGHTY: If I have to hear one more song about a hat, a dog and a rapping fiddle player, I’m going to puke.
NICE: The Rats running payday lending shops may finally be run out of South Dakota
NAUGHTY: We are supposed to care that Chuck Brennan is closing down his buttrocker palace and coliseum of dirt.
NICE: We will not have to tolerate the noise from the F-35 Flying Lemon in Sioux Falls since we were taken out of the running
NAUGHTY: Unfortunately, Mene Genes burgers will not be able to sell their Freedom Fries at the Airport’s food court, which were going to come with a special dipping sauce made from Mayor Mike’s leftover hair product and tears.
NICE: The city has a new indoor swimming pool, sponsored by an internet and cable company
NAUGHTY: The wi-fi and big screen TV are more popular then the pools since the lockers are too small to fit an I-PAD into
NICE: Our mayor says we are ‘winning’ in Sioux Falls
NAUGHTY: Unfortunately all we are winning is a lot of debt and low paying jobs
NICE: Feeding SD provides a wonderful service to the less fortunate
NAUGHTY: Unfortunately they have to eat leftovers from Walmart
NICE: The public has received a million dollar settlement over the Events Center siding to buy more beer coolers.
NAUGHTY: We still don’t f**king know what’s wrong with the siding, but the hot dogs are sure tasty
NICE: Development in Downtown Sioux Falls is going through the roof
NAUGHTY: It’s all happening in SPITE of the roof
NAUGHTY: The Sioux Falls Police Department officially has given up on looking for the Tuthill Shooter
NICE: Squirrels, rabbits, deer and even tree branch shadows have a reason to rejoice in our public parks
NICE: We elected four new progressive city councilors that are willing to stand up for the citizens
NAUGHTY: Stock in the Mayor Huether facial tissue company is flat lining.
NICE: Sioux Falls first ever Art Maze was amazing
NAUGHTY: Now if we can just get the rest of DT to embrace alternative public art that doesn’t look like an angel reading a book to a pig on dead president’s lap.
NICE: The city picked a modern new ambulance service
NAUGHTY: Unfortunately, you can get a pizza delivered from Boss’s faster than they can respond to a skinned knee. But at least the delivery driver won’t pick your pockets if they find you dead
NAUGHTY: The Hartford, SD city government was in a state of collapse
NICE: Who goes to f**king Hartford anyway?
NICE: Sioux Falls has jobs
NAUGHTY: Do you want to be on front window, fryers or dishes tonight?
NICE: South Dakota has plenty of public restrooms
NAUGHTY: Better pick the right one, or you may be charged with a sex crime
NICE: Downtown Sioux Falls is set to get a Goliath, phallic like sculpture over the Big Poo
NAUGHTY: The Statue of David says, It will be the biggest cock fight you have ever seen in public art
NICE: Sioux Falls has introduced a FREE condom distribution program
NAUGHTY: I’m still not getting laid.
Naughty: Ignoring 6400 petitioners
Nice: A 6400 registered voters block to decide a new mayor and prevent Mike from winning higher office.
Naughty: Who let the dog out?
Nice: Dog dies mysteriously in or out. Real good neighbors, not Huether recruited terrorists.
Naughty: Smoking everywhere
Nice: Smoke breaks during ‘Big Tobacco vs Sioux Falls State Supreme Court Case’