Groundbreaking (looks like a lot of city employees got to take an afternoon break)


In 2016 citizens organized an effort to hold the Sioux Falls administration accountable. We were asking questions. No one wanted to answer. To this day no one including the mayor of Sioux Falls Has adequately answered the most important question, “Why is this building so important?”

No one was or still willing to question the need for this building. So As the building is constructed we will be more involved in over seeing the process. We citizens Of Sioux Falls want a fiscally sound government, not a government operated on a high interest credit card.

In April of 2014 the Sioux Falls City Council was presented without notice a building plan. This plan was rejected several times by the City Council. The only person who insisted on this building was the mayor of Sioux Falls, Mike Huether. The Mayor set the stage for a final act of defiance toward the citizens by pushing this building onto our infrastructure budget.

We wish to thank five of the eight members of the City council who opposed this building. For the lack of one vote to override the veto, we could have had  a sane and clear meaning to this building.

As of now, we will have another dent in our credit without roads to drive on.

January 9, 2017

For more information contact:

Bruce Danielson

(605) 376-8087

Thanks to councilors Starr, Stehly and Erickson for NOT showing up to the ground breaking.

9 Thoughts on “City Admin Building approved by only ONE PERSON; Mayor Huether

  1. anonymous on January 9, 2017 at 4:25 pm said:

    Mr. Danielson appears to dismiss his role in this debacle.

    If he had followed all the necessary steps to insure he was circulating a legally sound petition, Sioux Falls citizens would have had the opportunity to make this decision, not the Mayor.

  2. The D@ily Spin on January 9, 2017 at 5:34 pm said:

    A 30 million Admin Building must be per a public vote. The Aquatics Center cost less. Tho the election language was devious, it was voted on. A majority of the council voted against this. A petition with 6400 signatures should have forced an election. Remember the mayor and 3 councilors (Huether, Rowling, Erpenbach, Kiley) who denied you your voice in government and ignored constitutional law. They’re communists you should not vote for and spit toward in public.

  3. The D@ily Spin on January 9, 2017 at 5:45 pm said:

    If the city can’t afford to give police a three percent cost of living raise, the mayor has no business building a four story city offices building. The mayor has forced many 30 million dollar projects and used public money for his own indoor tennis facility. Makes me wonder about personal gain from public funds fraud. How does one become a multimillionaire from an annual 100k salary?

  4. anon, as I told Bruce before he even started the petition drive, even if he would have had valid signatures you still would have had to have 6 councilors agree to put it on the ballot and a judge stop the bond sale. Wasn’t going to happen. When Huether is Hell-Bent, he’s Hell-Bent.

  5. anonymous does not seem to understand their part in this debacle. If this person would have been part of the process at any level including making sure the city’s website worked, we could have stopped it.

    The 6,500 are tired of hearing excuses or blame for the tight deadlines, administration interference in the process, the city clerk’s collusion in the interference and more. To remind anonymous, I have taken the blame for grabbing the wrong form oath, what’s your excuse for not helping?

    We collected enough signatures but the city gamed the system to their advantage every step of the way.

    All we can say at this point is quit your bitching and help stop this crap from happening.


  7. anonymous on January 10, 2017 at 5:56 am said:

    I have always trusted that Scott protected the identity of those who post on his blog.

    Obviously not.

    This will be my last post on southdacola.

  8. anon- If Bruce figured out who you are, he did that all on his own.

  9. Scott does not have to tell some of us who anyone is because we actually don’t care. Sometimes we are curious what makes some people think the way they do but beyond curiosity who cares?

    Most of us know there are government “leaders” who post under funky names. Who cares? Some people who post just leave good debate, we enjoy it.

    Posters by how they post or who they decide to defend give themselves away. It’s fun to read the comments. If you are claiming to be intellectual, let’s have the debate in the open. Quit hiding. In the meantime, keep posting because it is interesting to judge the mood of all who show up here.

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