All it takes is one voter to win, as long as it is the right voter and Mike Huether is the voter. If it were not for a self-serving servant of his own mind, this unnecessary building day would have never happened.

In a world of streamlining office concepts ostentatious office buildings for city government are becoming a thing of the past. Our spender in chief can only find value in spending money, not his, yours.

When you look to the future and wonder why you can’t get your sewer working, more than a dribble from your faucet or potholes fixed remember January 9, 2017 when this show of mayoral gloating occurred.

Mike Huether masterminded the building of the Romantix Annex city office building and cast the all-important veto to win the day. The 6,500 petition signers will never forget this betrayal of public trust.

7 Thoughts on “The ‘1 Voter’ building is coming (Jan 9, 2017)

  1. what??? on January 9, 2017 at 11:02 pm said:

    Looking forward to renting space in this behemouth for my business. Oh, wait a minute – rent? Already paying it – for the next 20+ years.

  2. was it hard lifting that shovel not my man mike.

  3. the four amigos.

  4. The D@ily Spin on January 10, 2017 at 4:36 pm said:

    Don’t forget the Three Stooges. Note the other councilors didn’t show for this illegal event. What worries me is how many more 30 million dollar public frauds can happen this last year of Huether. Our city has been robbed. We, the people, tried to stop him. High praise for the 6400 and Bruce Danielson. What surprised me most was the judge who sided with Huether. How high does the corruption go?

  5. The D@ily Spin on January 10, 2017 at 4:43 pm said:

    It’s a long road back from Huether’s billion dollar deficit. Thank god he and these 3 councilors will be gone soon. Let’s keep them out of other public positions and look for ways to run them out of town.

  6. The D@ily Spin on January 10, 2017 at 5:42 pm said:

    I wonder if the Three Stooges signed a billion year contract with L Ron Huether. Will they get to Level VIII and meet Tom Cruise?

  7. Yes mayor what ever you want .Tell me how to vote,

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