Open government makes me so emotional

The mayor has still not signed the approved parks board meeting recording ordinance or the Glory House resolution from Tuesday Night’s meeting (he has signed all other passed items). He has until next Wednesday to sign the items, or veto them. If he does neither they will be published without his signature.

I’m sure we will have another one of his pouting session press conferences next week about why he didn’t sign the items. I just hope the city can afford to tape both the audio and visual of the press conference.

One Thought on “Mayor is pouting again over council decisions

  1. The D@ily Spin on January 19, 2017 at 4:00 pm said:

    A mayor who doesn’t work with the council can’t be censured. However, this is an ethics violation he should have to call a board of the 3 Stooges and his wife for. The tantrums are grounds for recall but there’s no petition form for it. How about give him an Oscar or Emmy for best actor? Then, the tears are real when his ego gets pacification.

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