I’m not opposed to people sending their kids to private school, but they shouldn’t get vouchers or public tax dollars to do so;

Sioux Falls public school leaders expressed disappointment Monday with Mayor Mike Huether’s decision to promote a national school choice campaign.

Huether signed a proclamation declaring this week to be “School Choice Week” in Sioux Falls. The observance coincides with National School Choice Week, a campaign largely supported by groups that advocate for taxpayer funding of private schools.

That’s why it is a choice, you choose to forgo publicly funding your kid’s education, so you don’t get those funds. Many parents would argue, “Hey, I pay taxes for funding public education, so I should be able to get that money.” Sorry pal, if that was how it worked, I would be paying ZERO taxes towards public education, in fact anyone with NO children currently in the public school system wouldn’t have to pay taxes. While it sometimes pains me the decisions our public schools make, and sometimes unfair taxation (tax on food to pay teachers) public education is an investment for all of us. That’s something called democracy.

As for the mayor signing this, I think half the time he has no idea what he is signing, probably why he declined an interview. But it also wouldn’t surprise if he did know, and did it out of his new found love for all things Trump.

5 Thoughts on “Mayor Huether gets his Trump on

  1. Soo Foo’s 1st daughter attended private school. No big deal – it’s a free country and we should all support education. There is however an important distinction implicit in the SD constitution regarding support for schools generically and PUBLIC schools. Those are the ones we all should support – and according to our founding document, are expected and required to support. ‘My Man Mike’ is certainly free to go beyond that and support other ventures if he so desires – but he has no right to expect me to ante up for his favorite charity.

  2. Warren_Phear on January 24, 2017 at 5:25 am said:

    Folks, In a very very grand grand way this nothing more than alternative facts.

  3. matt johnson on January 24, 2017 at 6:59 am said:

    I would be interested in knowing which public schools the Obama daughters or Chelsea Clinton attended- yes I know their parents probably paid for it but they did have a choice not to attend better schools, a choice poor people are denied because of the distribution of taxpayer money to the broken institutions.

  4. The D@ily Spin on January 24, 2017 at 8:38 am said:

    Of course he supports funding private schools for the rich. This is the guy who used public money to build his private tennis and swim clubs. The same guy who gave a Street to a car dealer but won’t give a building for a homeless shelter.

  5. commander are you running or not.

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