Yup, like a grumpy old man, our mayor of all he sees says, “stay away”. Keep off the grass. Wash behind your ears. Don’t park there. Shut up when I enter the room. Bow before me. I am in charge, do not question me. Like a President of 40 years ago, Yup, like a grumpy old man, our mayor of all he sees stay away. Keep off the grass. Wash behind your ears. Don’t park there. Shut up when I enter the room. Bow before me. I am in charge, do not question me or my authority.

We now have a Sioux Falls City Council able to question everything and does with regularity. There are things happening in city government the people want to see. The citizens have for quite a while. Due to the way our city charter is set up, we have little choice but accept the authoritarian “take or leave it” way of the leader.

His veto of the publication rules for Park and Recreation Board meetings is another slap in the face of all citizens. He is saying, “things are going well for me, keep out”. These fine citizens have done what Don Kearney and I want so leave them alone.

Nowhere in the discussion have we citizens said the board members have done anything wrong. We just want to be able to see their deliberations. Cameraman Bruce has been to several meetings and seen how it works. Like the other board meetings he has been to, not much happens there not controlled by the department “advisors”.

Maybe the January 24, 2017 veto decision by the mayor was more to protect the advisors than the members?

5 Thoughts on “Mayor Veto’s recording meetings. Calls transparency a ‘slippery slope’

  1. The D@ily Spin on January 25, 2017 at 12:13 pm said:

    The council (except for Rolfing) has taken exception to recent dictatorial rulings. Unfortunately, per the charter, they’re advisors whose vote the mayor can ignore. Why do we have a council or Parks board if the mayor makes decisions and sets policy? If he needs more budget for indoor sports religion, fire everybody. Let’s get over this guy but for now he’s the middle age son who never left home keeping us poor supporting him.

  2. The D@ily Spin on January 25, 2017 at 12:18 pm said:

    Promise him governor. He’ll leave now. He belongs in Pierre where sex is illegal, he’ll have a separate bathroom, and they need an indoor facility for cow paddy throwing.

  3. The D@ily Spin on January 25, 2017 at 12:25 pm said:

    Is Pierre the equivalent of a country club prison for drug dealers? There’s a reason it’s 60 miles from an interstate, bounded by a river, and in the middle of nowhere. Maybe Mexico will build a wall but a concertina wire perimeter isn’t that expensive.

  4. Him and do take yourorders in pierre gov would do grat together.

  5. Daily if slick mike gets in we will get in,there is a couple of independents thinking about running.

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