Trust me, the councilors have been discussing this for awhile, and Kiley may get a May surprise;

In Kiley’s case, it’s his relationship with City Hall that shows signs of hurting his ascent on a council that’s increasingly asserting its independence from the mayor.

“Are you working for us or the mayor?” Councilor Greg Neitzert asked Monday during a discussion on whether to overturn the mayor’s veto of a Council measure to require the Parks Board to post recordings of its meetings on the city website. “This vote, in my mind, is going to answer that question.”

Neitzert in an interview hinted that the Council could deviate from the traditional power transfer order when deciding who next to hand the gavel to in May.

“I want somebody who is going to represent the Council and our best interest. My vote will be predicated on that thought,” Neitzert said. “Are they going to stand up for the Council? Are they going to be open with us? Are you a little too cozy with the mayor’s office at the expense of the council?”

I’ve told councilors to change it up a bit and pick two new leaders (Chair and Vice-Chair). Ideally, I would like to see Erickson as Chair and Selberg as Vice-Chair, but any arrangement that doesn’t involve Kiley would be preferable. Of course, he is painting a different picture;

“If I cast a vote based on what I think could be political fallout … even if it may impact my opportunity to one day serve as chairman of the City Council, the only person I would be serving would be myself,” he said. “The day I base a decision or vote on an election is the day I should resign. That day will never come.”

That’s unfortunate.

8 Thoughts on “Sioux Falls City Councilor Kiley may get the boot due to his relationship with the executive branch

  1. SF Resident on February 11, 2017 at 7:29 pm said:

    This guy has not had an original thought since he came on to the Council.

    Erickson has made some gutsy moves during her time on the Council. She would be a good person to lead the Council during MMM’s last year in office. Huether’s legacy is important to him. He will be doing everything he can to add to that legacy (such as it is) over the next 13 months. The Council needs to continue to try to keep him in check!

  2. anonymous on February 11, 2017 at 7:41 pm said:

    This is way off the subject, but I heard that Mark Mickelson’s wife is going to run for the SF School Board.

  3. Scruffy Hamburger on February 11, 2017 at 7:45 pm said:

    That’s the story going round.

  4. Erickson seems to be breaking out of her shell and has shown some real backbone since the election. I tend to agree with Neitzert, the ‘Patsy 3’ just march to the Mayor’s orders and never show any independence. We need more thinkers on the council.

  5. The D@ily Spin on February 12, 2017 at 10:24 am said:

    The three councilors who shoveled with the mayor at the Admin Building shindig dug their political graves at the same time. The 6400 is a voting block that will be reminded who denied them their vote. Add in code enforcement and zoning harassment. There’s people who will go to the polls that usually don’t vote. If you’re a councilor with a thousand dollar suit, wear it when you’re subpoenaed or charged in court.

  6. Observant Citizen on February 12, 2017 at 11:35 am said:

    Kiley has been nothing but a lap dog to MMM and “Reckless Rex”. I remember the videos of the gavel incident and Kiley was observed passing messages between city attorney Fiddle Faddle and Reckless Rex, thus revealing himself as a knowing participant in the gaveling.
    His allegiance is to the administration and his own desires for power, not the average citizen. He does not deserve a leadership roll as his choices have revealed and proven his alliances.

  7. Kiley what a piece of work.

  8. The D@ily Spin on February 13, 2017 at 8:23 pm said:

    The worst representative is the one who doesn’t represent right and doesn’t recognize he’s on the wrong side. Add ego and self promotion, you have a slimy someone you should not buy a used car from.

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