STOP I tell you, stop! If you don’t stop clapping and shouting we’ll take away your coffee! Wonder how old the coffee was anyway, but that’s another story.

IM-22 and the 36% rate cap were to be expected but we did get to hear about the crazy legislation being pushed through.

Did you ever go to a gathering where the air leaves the room for a moment? The Saturday, February 11, 2017 Sioux Falls SD Legislative Coffee and Crackerbarrel at the Ramada Inn was filled with people not happy with what they were hearing. Several times during the event the moderator had to admonish the crowd to not clap, shout, laugh or join in. What a killjoy. The people want to be heard.

One thing of note, after last week’s performances the legislators answered more of the questions without researching the questions on their computers.

We were often reminded, our part was to sit quietly so the legislators on the dais could make some pretty dumb statements. They did not disappoint. Fred Flintstone would not have been happy with a few of the comments made.

One Thought on “Legislative Java Talk, Feb 11, 2017

  1. The evolution of our legislators and their coffees over the past week from a group taking an “open book” oral exam to one that appeared to be more informed and proactive in the answering of their questioning is somewhat promising and further proof that any “creationist” legislation is truly unnecessary.

    This second legislative coffee had all the charm of a 1960s era NASA news conference. Filled with information, but lacking the adequate give and take between the alleged informed and the governed….. One can only wonder how this new evolved format will be able to handle an “Apolllo 13” moment, which invariably is bound to happen at some point with our hopefully evolving state government leaders or should we say, “Lords,” that is, from the upper House…..

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