If you don’t know how the Planning Commission meetings work, they usually have ‘non-controversial’ items put on the consent agenda, in other words, stuff that doesn’t really need open discussion because of it’s affects. This gas station is a very large project being dropped next to a residential neighborhood (Item #1). I would think the planning commission would want to discuss the pros and cons openly during their meeting. We will see if they have a change of heart come Wednesday night.

I really don’t have an opinion either way on the project, but would like to hear why it may or may not be a good fit.

5 Thoughts on “Why is such a large project only put on the consent agenda

  1. Nearby Resident on February 25, 2017 at 1:10 pm said:

    Tom Howes wants the entire block bordered by 26th St, Cliff Ave, 10th Ave, and 24th St to expand his Holiday Gas Station.

    There was a lot of push-back from neighbors when he expanded his station that is further east on 26th Street. Major objections were noise from the car wash, lighting and trash.

    Car wash operations placed right across the street from residential homes is not a good thing for the neighborhood. Several years ago, this was also an issue on the west side of SF (different applicant) at the corner of 57th and Marion Road.

    These neighbors are low income folks, I’m sure they feel powerless!

  2. come on on February 25, 2017 at 1:25 pm said:

    There’s already a gas station at that corner, isn’t there? Maybe that’s why…

  3. Nearby Resident on February 25, 2017 at 2:08 pm said:

    Big Difference Between a gas station that currently takes up only a commercial lot at 26th and Cliff (with an office bldg to the west, commercial to the east and a cemetery to the south)

    AND, wanting to develop the entire block including a car wash within feet of residential properties.

    Jeff Schmitt, Why is this on the Consent Agenda given the controversial history of expansions at the Gas Stop further east on 26th St and also at 57th and Marion?

  4. The D@ily Spin on February 25, 2017 at 6:22 pm said:

    The planning commission is known for its incompetence. Why bother? Besides, pay off the mayor and he’ll veto anything the council votes down. Trump discriminates against olive skin middle easterners. Huether could care less about the general population. Contribute to him and he’ll facilitate Walmarts next to residential, homes on lot lines at McKennon Park, pawn shops with firing ranges, indoor bathhouses, undocumented park business, etc..

  5. My Mistake Mike on February 27, 2017 at 4:19 pm said:

    There goes another dozen “affordable” homes in the heart of the city. When will it stop?!?

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