Pretty excited, Cameraman Bruce and I will be attending our 4th Blue State Ball this weekend. It will be great catching up with our fellow Minnesota Progressives and talking Trump smack. We always come back with something new and tons of ideas for the blog. The one thing I love about this event is the FREE conversation and exchange of ideas. I find this is often lacking in SD supposed progressives. They seem scared to speak freely. I will say though with the recent movements like Indivisible 605 and the Women’s Rally Downtown Sioux Falls, South Dakota progressives are opening up.

And why not?

With the recent disaster called our 2017 legislative session, it is time SD progressives speak up, heck, yell and scream. We need to take down the ‘House of Lords’ in Pierre.

By l3wis

5 thoughts on “Blue State Ball, 2017”
  1. Enjoy!…… Oh yah, and if you happen to run into any Minnesota Republicans, while you are in the Twin Cities, you should ask them if they have any ideas for their South Dakota Democratic cousins….. 😉 Hahahaha…….

    No doubt Democrats in South Dakota need to get their McGovern/Abourezk chutzpah back… We need to stop being the Party that favors a sales tax increase or tells a Rotary Club meeting that they vote for Republicans too…

  2. While I appreciate your enthusiasm the reality is many progressives and those who are fairly reasonable get the hell out of South Dakota as soon as possible. Parents who built businesses know why the kids won’t return and why many businesses will not locate to this state. The extremist legislature making national headlines is getting worse every year making the state a place to avoid. Fear is the political tool used by Christianic extremists in everything they do.

    Good luck though!

  3. Government has become something to protect yourself from. It’s run like a business that’s made upper ranks rich and never produces a product. It’s not democracy when a mayor overrides and ignores a council vote twice. Trump is right about news organizations. They report profit oriented fiction. Progressives seem to be a step toward amending into the future. I’m looking forward to a time when government returns to representing and serving the people. I’m afraid that’ll not be in my lifetime.

  4. The “Christian extremists” in Pierre do appear to have a caliphate quality to their political strategy, don’t they?

    And those responsible for bombing abortion clinics or threatening or killing doctors who have helped women with their health care needs over the years should perhaps be called “Radical Christian Terrorists,” but we know better than to do that, don’ we? …..Unlike the other side…..

  5. The ONLY way Democrats in this State can win is if they double down on what the Republicans tout. Co-opt the Republican talking points or just lay down and continue the beating. The irony is that this state is one of many red states that collect, and rely on, more federal money than they give back. South Dakota is a Republican welfare state. We are no different than Chicago or Los Angeles, our Federal money just goes towards farm bills instead of illegal aliens and social programs. Guess which one is easier to swallow. When the ruin of the Federal Government occurs, due to massive debt, we are going to be the first to be cast off.

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